'Prime News'
'Prime News'

Watch "Prime News" weeknights from 5-7 ET on Headline News. Want to be on air? Call 1-877-TELL-HLN during the show and share your opinion!

The "Prime News" weekend edition airs Saturday and Sunday nights at 6 ET.

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About the show
About the show

"Prime News" host Mike Galanos uses the day's most powerful headlines as a starting point for diverse perspectives and spirited debate. In each show, Galanos challenges newsmakers and experts to help viewers gain a clearer understanding of the "right vs. wrong" conflict playing out across the country every day.

"Prime News" correspondent Richelle Carey showcases hard news with a human side, uncovering the drama and emotion in the news of the day. Carey also leads the way in providing breaking information on stories as they are unfolding. You can always catch live coverage of breaking events on "Prime News," weeknights from 5-7 ET on Headline News. Our weekend edition airs Saturday and Sunday nights at 6 ET.

Best of 'Prime News'
Best of 'Prime News'

Florida parents are charged with neglect after their baby died with cocaine in its system. "Prime News" reports. (June 10)

Parents charged in baby's O.D. Video
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Viewer quote of the day

"Regarding the MTV Awards pot incident -- this has 'wardrobe malfunction' written all over it... I think the whole thing was a planned publicity stunt, and seeing how much coverage it got, it seemed to work..." - Jerrod in Independence, Minnesota

In response to: As usual, MTV Movie Awards have crazy edge
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As (NOT) Seen on TV
As (NOT) Seen on TV
Staff video picks

We don't always have time to air every great story we find. Take a look at some of the videos recommended by our "Prime News" staff.

Town to launch own currency Video
Cuba backs gay-rights rally Video
City proposes tobacco ban Video
Rape victim pushes DNA testing Video
Vegetable oil cars Video
$300k toilets in layoff time Video
Tornado town's 'green' revival Video

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