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APPLE INC (NASDAQ: AAPL) | Accounting & Governance Risk

$ 186.92 $ -0.09   -0.1%
All prices in USD
Price delayed at least 15 minutes Thu May 29 2008 12:02 EDT
AGRVery Aggressive Rating Published12/08/2007
IndustryComputer Hardware Period End09/29/2007 (Fiscal 2007 Q-4)
SEC Filing11/15/2007 (10-K) Last AuditKPMG LLP

3yr AGR® Score


Apple Inc. is currently rated as having Very Aggressive Accounting & Governance Risk (AGR), receiving an AGR Score of 38 out of a possible 100. The company is also rated as having Average Financial Condition.

The forensic risk summary table below highlights materials risks, if any, and lists the most critical business issue for each risk. AGR Impact shows the deductions from a perfect 100 AGR score due to flagged matrics.

Revenue Recognition -4.4 Operating Income
Expense Recognition -11.9 Deferral Policies
Asset-Liability Valuation -4.5 Asset-Liability Classification
High Risk Events -6.9 Organizational Structure
Governance -34.4 Financial Disclosure

AGR scores are based on statistical analysis of accounting and governance risk factors. Lower scores indicate heightened corporate integrity risk, indicating an increased likelihood of future class action litigation, material financial restatements or impaired equity performance.

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