Road to the White House

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• Total delegate estimate to date for race leaders
Delegate Definitions
Pledged delegates: Won by candidates in primaries and caucuses; pledge to support their candidates at the national conventions.

Superdelegates: Democratic officeholders and party officials guaranteed national convention seats; can support the candidate of their choice.

Unpledged RNC member delegates: Republican party officials guaranteed national convention seats; can support the candidate of their choice.
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Super Tuesday
On Super Tuesday 24 states went to the polls, the largest single day of voting in the nomination process
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Meet the superdelegates
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War for the White House
A biting parody of the candidates, the issues and the race for president from The Onion
* Special Notes
• Delegate counts represent CNN's most recent total for each candidate. There are currently 4,234 total delegates to the Democratic National Convention, including 3,409 pledged delegates and 825 superdelegates. The total number of delegate votes needed to win the nomination is 2,118. There are currently 2,380 total delegates to the Republican National Convention, including 1,917 pledged delegates and 463 unpledged delegates. The total number of delegate votes needed to win the nomination is 1,191. More about the delegate selection process
• Needed to Win: This refers to the total number of delegate votes needed by a candidate to win the party's nomination.
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