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Here is an assortment of links collected over the years. Please report any broken ones . Feel free to suggest sites, that I may have missed. Note, that any site aimed at selling a product will not be listed here.

my paxil nightmare - personal account of paxil withdrawal. No ads.
kangaroo court - blogg by journalist at one of the Paxil trials.

paxilprogress.org - well run forum based site.
Seroxat Diary - a personal account of withdrawal
Where is my instruction manual - another personal view
A Diary for quitting Paxil - sent in by reader

medhelp.org - comprehensive Paxil information archive
citizen .org's paxil page
- excellent summary. No ads.
university of marylands video counceling - prescription information
paxil Q&A from infolink - as title states. Commercial site . Well worth visit.
mentalhealth.com's Paxil page - standart medical information
healthsquare.com's Paxil page - standart medical information
paxil protest - extensive paxil withdrawal information
official Paxil site - GSK's Paxil pages. Yes, I know it's commercial, but I wanted to include at least one site with an opposing viewpoint.
prescription suicide - documentary to which somevisitors to this site contributed

prozac survivor - small, privatly run site
breggin.com - anti SSRI crusader's home page. Minor comercial content
zoloft withdrawal - from about.com. Ads.
SSRI Citizen .org - general anti SSRI site
Antideppresiva Forum Deutschland - german site
SSRI- side-effects.com - documents long term sexual side effects of SSRIs

the Anxiety Community -extensive resources on the disorder.Well worth visit.
the Anxiety Disorders Association of America - informative site
about.com's Anxiety/Panic pages - good articles. Commercial site.
social Anxiety UK - as the name says. Good site. Lots of chat rooms. Non-commercial
PADA - good Panic disorder site from Australia. Non-commercial
panic disorders: a comprehensive overview - non -commercial
anxiety_Panic.com : commercial search engine for panic issues
national foundation for depressive illness - US site, good overview. Non-commercial
dbsa - another depression site. Not bad.
depressioncanada.com - leans toward medicated solutions, but good little site. Some ads
the failures - something different. A small indy film dealing with suicide and depression.

Mind - excellent UK based site . Lots of information. Great layout.
International Coalition for Drug awareness - advocacy site out of US
The Bright Side- Wings of Support - volunteer run support site
Social Audit Home page - excellent drug awareness site from the UK. Strong anti-depressant slant.
Benzo.org -excellent UK benzo withdrawal site
NAMI - US mental health site. Non-commercial.
Ablechild ADD - for parents concerned about the use od pychiatric drugs in children

AVG anti virus software - it's good, totally free and it looks as if some of you might need it.
firefox - best free browser on the net
Slate : always something interesting to read
Edge - for the physicist in you
Project Gutenberg - one of the best sites on the net
All about Thomas Mann - try reading at least one of his works. You will not regret it.
Wodehouse society - if you have not read any of Plum's works, you simply must .
Asterix International - those who love it, love it a lot
Extreme Tech.com -one of the best tech sites out there
Planet F1 - best F1 site out there? If not, send me the link
Liverpool FC - you will never walk alone, alone
Hydrostone Osteopathy - Halifax, Nova Scotia based Osteopathy and Massage Therapy clinic
Jennifer Moss RMT - my lovely wife's Halifaxed based Massage Therapy and Osteopathy site
concreteOrange Design - my Halifax based Web design site .
concreteorange.com - more webdesign in Halifax, Nova scotia
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