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What follows are some of the letters that have been sent in by visitors who have had success in getting off Paxil after going through severe discontinuation side effects. These personal accounts have not been edited and were chosen on a more or less random basis.


It's interesting to read these withdrawal stories and compare them to my own. I was on 20 mg Paxil for 8 years and decided to stop due to (1) weight gain and (2) a feeling of "flat affect", i.e. rarely cried or reacted strongly to anything, including sex. I tapered down in one week, which was NOT long enough, and didn't contact my psychiatrist, which I should have done. My symptoms included: the horrible vivid nightmare/hallucinations that just filled me with terror, numbness and tingling, extreme itchiness all over my body, pain and "heaviness" in my legs and feet, insomnia, whooshing sounds when turning my head. No "zaps" or nausea, though my appetite has changed and even when I'm hungry I have a hard time finding anything I actually want to eat. Two weeks post-Paxil, I finally went to see my psychiatrist and he told me that going off Paxil and Effexor can be extremely difficult, worse than any other antidepressant. He suggested taking one 10mg Prozac, which he said would help alleviate the symptoms and would stay in my system for about 6 weeks, then disappear. I did that and it helped a lot, especially with the horrible dreams. I have now been off Paxil for 2 months. I still have occasional insomnia, tingling in extremities and (worst of all) pain and "tiredness" in my legs and feet. Most of the other symptoms no longer bother me. I exercise faithfully 3-4 times a week, which helps my general mood plus is a good thing to do anyway. I have lost 5 pounds without dieting. I feel much more "connected" to the world and feel positive and happy. So far, no panic attacks or depressive episodes, the two reasons I took Paxil in the first place. For those who are considering getting off this drug, I say go for it, but do it slowly and check with your doctor first. Expect some problems, but know that eventually you will be very happy you stopped!


I have taken paxil for over four years now, I also decided to quit. I started taking it for anxiety. I was a stay at home mom with a very active 4 year old son, i was always anxious and never felt in control. I must say that paxil helped me for a long time. Recently I felt like I was having short term memory problems. So I decided to try quitting. I had the full support of my husband who was feeling that I had somehow become too passive and easy on my children-and that I just didn't feel for things strongly anymore. I totally agreed. I could almost never cry, I never had high highs or low lows. I decided I missed my feelings. About a month ago I started to take only one half of my 20mg dose for about a week. then 10mg every two days.I have not taken it now for about 17 days. I never had any headaches, but did have light flashes- no nausea- weird zapping in my head- a little freaky feelings when running on the treadmill. I also had very little patience for my children. I would walk around muttering under my breath, swearing to myself- you do start to feel a little on the crazy side. Today though I have had my first really great day, no symptoms at all. I started run/walking everyday, 33 days ago at the YMCA and I believe this has helped me incredibly.Good luck to all! Be strong!
I have taken Paxil for the past 6 years. It was your website that gave me the courage and the confidence to quit. I've been Paxil free for 5 days now! I will not believe that some people need to be on antidepressants forever due to chemical imbalance. I will take charge of my life and my emotions-good and sad-and will Be a stronger person because of it. My plan was to wean off it over a 5 week period. It worked nicely, but I still noticed withdrawals that included sweating, dizziness, extreme irritability the first Day of cutting the dose, increased appetite, and headaches. I have lost 4 pounds already and feel great. Many thanks to everyone who has written and told their story. We are not alone. We can support and encourage others by talking about it. I've never been happier!


Okay, here is my story and I hope someone else can benefit from it. I'm a 29 year old female who was placed on Paxil 2yrs ago for depression by a Psychiatrist. He started me out at 20mgs and eventually I ended up on 75mgs. Before Paxil, I was going through a hard time and became depressed, after Paxil I found myself numb, which made me feel more depressed, what a vicious cycle. So, up and up on the Paxil he went. I never really did feel that much better from the Paxil even at my highest amount, just incredibly numb. I did however start to notice these "shock" feelings in my head. I would tell my co-workers about them and they just looked at me like I was a psycho, but hey I thought I was too at 75mgs of Paxil. So, I threw the shock feelings to the side. Then one day I had a Grand Mal Seizure out of the blue, no personal or family history. I had all the testing you can have done, even a week long video EEG, everything was normal. I noticed after the seizure that I kept having these "shock" feelings and they were becoming more frequent. I didn't know what the deal was, I even thought they were mini seizures. I told my two different Neurologists and my Psychiatrist about these feelings. All the Dr.s just gave me that head tilted look and would say Hmmmm. I felt even crazier at this point!!! The seizure scared me badly and I re-evaluated my life. I decided I wanted to get off the Paxil (since it didn't help much anyway) to see how I felt without being drugged. I told my doctor I felt great and wanted to decrease the medication, as a nurse a knew this was a no-no, but I was determined to get off this medication. My Dr. decreased my Paxil in one day by 20mgs. Holy smokes, was I in for a ride. I felt awful: palpitations, chills, sweats, diarrhea, headaches, confusion, unsteady gait, mood swings, insomnia, restlessness....and more. The big thing I really noticed was the head shocks got so much worse. Then a few weeks after I decreased, Whamo, I had another seizure! HMMMMMM.....can anyone say Paxil??????? Again, all of my tests were normal. My red alarm went off and I started to research Paxil. I read that if you have a seizure and you are on Paxil, then you should stop taking it, but neither of my two Neurologists nor my Psychiatrist mentioned this to me. Thank God I found this website! I felt as though I found my lifesaver. I was shocked at all the things I read. My depression turned to anger, but I also had a new sense of hope. I slowly began to decrease my Paxil 5-10mgs per week, just depended on how many head shocks I was having. I took my last Paxil two weeks ago and I feel alive and happy. I'm still having some withdrawal feelings, but the head shocks are virtually gone! I followed the advice of the others who had gone through this and drank lots of water, got lots of rest and started to exercise almost every day. I tell myself that my exercise is my "happy pill" and it works. For those going through this withdrawal right now, stay focused, don't panic (you will be okay and you are not dying...lol) and exercise. As for my seizures, I hope I have found the reason and stay seizure free, only time will tell. Happy healing to all!!!

I had been on paxil for about 4 years. I was prescribed paxil for severe stomach pains which my doctor felt was coming from anxiety. Although the paxil did completely stop my stomach from hurting, little did I realize what it was doing to the rest of my body and my life!! First of all, the weight gain was terrible. I went from 119lbs to 154lbs while on paxil. It didn't matter how hard I exercised or what kind of diet I went on - nothing helped. I was extremely tired all the time and had no sex drive whatsoever! I didn't care about anything anymore. I lost a lot of good friends because of my new "kiss my butt" attitude. I even quit my job one day (thankfully they took me back when I explained that it was the paxil talking). I finally decided that I had to come off this wicked drug. I thought I could quit cold turkey - BIG MISTAKE!! After missing just two doses I could not even walk straight. I had horrible zapping feeling all throughout my body and buzzing noises in my head. My arms and legs were numb, my vision was blurred, my speech was impaired. I couldn't work or even drive my car. Once I realized that I couldn't do this cold turkey, I decided to try to skip a day in between doses - this didn't work well for me either. I still had the same symptoms, just not as severe. I finally decided that I would start cutting my pills in half. This seem to work the best for me. I continued to do this at two week intervals until I was literally just licking some powder that would fall off the side of a pill that had been cut into 6 pieces. I know this sounds dramatic, but it was the only thing that worked for me. I am completely paxil free and have lost almost all of the weight that I gained while on paxil. I still have some anxiety problems which effect my stomach now and then but I'm learning to deal with it. There is a light at the end of this tunnel. You just have to experiment until you find what works best for you.

Follow EVERY suggestion that makes sense,WITH the advice and help of a doctor.Prepare yourself for possible butt kicking of your life. Hopefully not.Prepare mentally for several weeks ahead-continuously.Use your resources (friends,telephonecalls to friends help alot, let them know what may be upcoming with your moods or illnesses.) If you have a weapon, entrust it to a friend before you begin. Your thinking logic WILL change and you may not realize it. Tapering or quitting may cause siezures which may cause heart attack or many other life endangering situations. Tapering,even gradual nearly killed me, grand mal seizures and running bloodpressure up to 178/95, and I didnt like the ambulance ride or ER either.It is like any other addictive drug(can even be like a street drug withdrawal). Not to harp, but call your doctor beforehand-and stay away from alcohol-it compounds the overall agony.Trust me-I learned in the worst way - the ICU unit
I was on Paxil for 7.5 years. When I tried splitting up pills to taper down my 20mg daily dosage, I had the common terrible withdrawal effects. Then I asked my doctor to prescribe the liquid version (which I had read about on your site). He didn't even know it existed and I had to special order it through a pharmacy in town because none here carried it in the liquid form. My doctor said to taper down 5 mgs at a time. I didn't agree with that as it was too much for me and caused the withdrawal effects. So I tapered down 1 to 2 mgs at a time. It's so easy to do with the liquid form. I would go 4-6 days and then drop down a little. It took me about 5 months to get entirely off it, but it worked with very little negative effects.
On the morning of June 15th I woke up with the expectation of enjoying my day off with my husband. It is rare that we both are free on the same day. A few days earlier I had stopped taking my Paxil due to the side effects that would not subside. The insomnia kept me up nightly and my lack of sexual desire did not promote a healthy, well-balanced relationship. A couple years prior I had been prescribed celexa while I was in the service. Upon separating and thus running out of medication I had barely if any serious consequences. I have also stopped taking paxil for a brief period of time as well without unbearable withdrawal. So the experience I then proceeded to have did come as quite a shock. I just did not know. Like I said I had stopped taking Paxil in hopes of regaining my life and possibly trying something new. The first couple days I noticed I was a little more edgy and maybe moody. But it was day 3 that I came to realize there was a problem. The previous night I had the oddest sleep I had ever experienced. I could not tell most of the time if I was awake or asleep and the dreams were very vivid to the point if something fell in my "dream" my heart would begin to beat fast.Iwasalsodrippinginsweat at certain points of the night. At the start of my day as I began to get ready, I began to hyperventilate and anxiety just shot right thru me like never before. I was able to regain my composure and go out to breakfast with my husband. Afterwards we went shopping at the bookstore. As I sat at a table skimming a book, anxiety once again came over me, this time it was uncontrollable. I frantically looked about for my husband and when I couldn't find him fear took over my entire being as tears began to whelm up in my eyes. Nausea came quickly and I was forced to run to the stores bathroom. Eventually I was able to locate him and he got the car and helped me in. At home I laid down only to have more of those "dreams" and rest to where I was unable to know if I was awake or asleep.

When I got up Justus was playing with my bass guitar and decided to "quiz" me on the chords. I rambled " E, A,...uh uh" and then uncontrollable tears came forth. I could not stop crying, which caused me to hyperventilate and then came the nausea and vomiting. A bit later we decided that we could go pick up something at Wal-Mart and grab a bite to eat. A crowded Wal-Mart is not the place for someone going through any kind of withdrawal. Midway through our shopping quickly became the end of our shopping I managed to find my way to a bench to sit on as he checked out. The whole time wanting to just crawl underneath the bench and die. Again I was sweating and sweating and then moments later needed a blanket for the chills. I gripped my arm so tightly as my arms were crossed that my dull fingernail marks could still be seen hours later. We went home and this time I knew that I absolutely must stay there. The intensity of the pain I felt is beyond words. Whenever an attack would come on me all I could manage to say is "make it stop, make it stop". I think about and remember all the emotional lows I have had and even the most traumatizing events that I have lived through cannot even compare to the magnitude of the feelings of sadness, anxiety, fear, confusion and physical discomfort I was experiencing. Most of the evening became a blur. I remember lying down on my living room floor as if to say I give up while I lay there crying and shaking. I crawled to the bathroom cause I knew that I would be sick. And then I could not move from the little ball I had crawled into, laying on the cold bathroom floor sweating and coughing. At about 1am, I went and lie in my bed, simply for the fact that I knew my husband wouldn't go to bed with me still up. We had looked on line and found information regarding paxil withdrawal which stated it was generally safe to take Tylenol pm in order to help with muscle tension and sleeping issues. I would not take it, I have taken it many times before but just the mere thought of it, made me break out in a panic attack. I was angry and wanted to throw everything in sight. Fear gripped me. I was scared and I didn't even know what of. I was scared to sleep, I was scared of any medicine, I was scared to go lay on the couch. No logical reason for these things but it was just as a little child is afraid if they step out of their bed the monster will grab there leg, I was now consumed with the same kind of irrational fear. I could hear everything, the fan, Justus scratching his forehead, the wind outside. It all seemed so loud. So I cried out to God in my mind cause I just knew I could take no more. All I said was I need to hear you. And then as I lay there I didn't hear or feel any comforting words but I became a little less scared to take the medicine that would help me sleep so I did that. And I also realized that yes this was too way much and I need to rewind the process, I then took a Paxil. Not with the intentions of keeping on this life sucking drug but understanding that even though it only took one day to start, it would take many more to stop. This realization did not suddenly make everything better. I did continue to hear an audible noise that did not exist to which I woke myself with my own voice asking "what" in response to what I believed was Justus taking care of the "noise". I then looked over to find him sleeping. So as I begin this journey of being free from paxil I can only think "I wish I would have known.".. It has been about 2 months since I wrote that piece above, since then I have been able to tamper off paxil and have been paxil free for about 3 weeks. I still have an edge but at least I am a functioning human being once again.

First of all, I was on 25mg paxil for about 4 and a half months. And like most people on this web site I was not told beforehand about the possibility of horrible side effects if I ever decided to discontinue use of the drug. And to be completely honest I did not refer to my doctor before I stopped taking the pills, and I did it cold turkey. I would not reccommend that. My main reason for stopping was the expense and the pills really didn't do much for me except to make me feel tired and lazy all of the time, even if I took them at night. Also, I didn't like the idea of having to take pills for the rest of my life, which is something my doctor told me I was going to have to do to reap the so-called benefits of the pill. But at the time I was searching for something/anything to help me with social anxiety which had begun interfereing with my career and had forced me to quit several jobs over the last couple of years. I stopped taking the pills on Tuesday and on Friday the side effects kicked in. The first thing I felt were the electrical zaps. I immediately started researching sites to get more information and found that I wasn't alone. The next thing I experienced was intense nausea every time I ate and an overall feeling of just being sick and unhappy. I was miserable for the next two days but then I made a conscious decision that I would get through this and I did. It's been exactly one week since the withdrawals kicked in and I am feeling much better. The electrical zaps have almost disappeared completely and I get stomache pains once in a while but not as often as before. The weird thing is that I feel better than I did before I started taking the pills.

I'm still unemployed and almost completely broke because of it but I am motivated and have made more progress in the last week than I have in the last four and a half months in terms of my job search. I just want to encourage others to hang in there because the symptons do go away. Also stay busy, walking really does help even if you feel sick or the zaps are frequent, you can do it. Drink lots of water or herbal teas with no sugar, eat healthy and in small amounts all day long and read (even on my worst day when I was using my brain I wouldn't get those zaps) and write out your feelings in a journal. Another thing, and maybe the most important is to think positively and know that this won't last forever and when it does you will be grateful for your new found appreciation of being paxil free. Also prayer and a belief in something higher than yourself (God or whatever you'd like to call it) will make all of the difference in the world. I'll just suggest the book that helped me get through it and is changing my life as we speak. It's called The Essential Ernest Holmes. He founded the science of mind school of thought (not scientology) which basically says that we are all responsible for how we choose to respond to situations in our lives, good and/or bad. And that it is very important to know that we are all products of a higher being and that because of that we are special no matter what anyone else has done or said to us, people who know this will always react to things differently and more positively than others, we tend to call them arrogant. Its not about thinking you're better than others its about knowing that no one is more worthy than you. It's really a good book. I like it because it's practical, it makes sense, there are no judgements or rules to follow and it has helped me a great deal and will continue to for the rest of my life. But do whatever you can to get closer to that higher place no matter what you believe in, we are all the same, some of us are just more in tuned with our higher selves than others. But we are all capable if we change the way we think, which changes the things we say and do, which changes our lives. Think negative and your life is negative, thinking positive has the same effect. I'm doing my best to work on that now and forever, old habits do die hard but I know I can do it.

...I was prescribed 40 mgof Paxil daily for Panic disorder about a year ago. Then I was laid off andmy benefits ran out. What a blessing! I weaned myself off the evil drug by cutting it in halfs and then quarters.Although I didn't really suffer from the brain "zaps", I did have extremenausea, loss of appetite, dizziness, tingling in my face and extremities, chills, sweating... the list goes on, you know the drill. Reading your website helped immensely. I felt like I wasn't alone, like I wasn't going crazy or just imagining the symptoms. Exercise helps tremendously. I felt at my worst in the morning - that's when I hauled myself out of bed and jogged. It works. The symptoms get better. The strangest thing is - suddenly my anxiety is actually better. I thought it would worsen. When I watch a movie now, the sound is much clearer, the colours brighter. I can FEEL again, something I forgot how to do
I am 32 and was on Paxil for 3 months for anxiety attacks and had to stop cold turkey because of the bad reaction I had to paxil. Like most of everyone else, I have been through hell as well. I have been off paxil now for 4 weeks and am doing much better. I still have the tingling sensations in my head, face and extremities, occasional dizzy spells, and feel drunk most of the time. But, I don't feel like I did!!!! :) I am currently taking SaM-E and B stress complex and have not had 1 anxiety attack. As much as I hate to admit this, I seriously wanted to die when I first got off paxil. I was so ill, thought I was going nuts, to the point of suicidal thoughts. I have read alot of the stories and pray for each one of you all..Just know that IT WILL get better. I know for a fact that one of the main reasons I have gotten through this as well as I have is from your web site. Thank you all again for sharing yourstories and you for your site..God Bless
I am a 31 year-old woman. I was prescribed Paxil (10mg) by my family Dr. two years ago after complaining of general anxiety. I have always been a "keyed-up" person, but that year, there were several other contributing factors including my wedding, family problems, ect... The Paxil took a few weeks to alleviate the symptoms, but once it kicked in, I felt great. I was calm, cool and collected. I didn't take my husbands head off at the slightest provocation and things just didn't seem to get to me anymore. After two years, like anything else that must be done daily, being on Paxil began to loose it's appeal. I had taken up yoga and loved the idea of relieving stress naturally. My doctor had not once in those two years discussed when I should stop, so I decided that the next time I saw my Dr., I would approach him.

One Thursday evening (11 days ago to be exact) I realized that I had taken the last Paxil I had. Friday morning I called my Dr's office for a refill. When I went to the drug store that evening, it turned out that they had never called in the refill. Since I knew there was no way I'd reach my Dr. until Monday, I decided to quit then and there. I was in no way prepared for what was to come. The first few day were fine. I wasn't until Sunday afternoon, while hiking with my husband, that I realized something was very wrong. I began to feel very nauseous and dizzy. I thought that maybe I was just hungry, so we went to grab a pizza after our hike. I wound up eating just about the whole thing. That evening the dizziness continues and I began to hear a swooshing noise in my head. This "swooshing" would happen every time I moved my eyes and was very disconcerting. I woke up several time during the night bathed in sweat. It was awful. The next day at work, I could barely function. I was so light headed that I was afraid to leave my chair. I would break into tears for no apparent reason and two minutes later be laughing my self silly. I ate more food that you can imagine. I just couldn't stop myself. On Tuesday, things got even worse. I was unable to keep any food down and the "swooshes" were getting more and more frequent. I finally decided to call my doctor and see if he had any advice as to how to alleviate these symptoms. To my shock and disgust, my doctor told me that he had never heard of anyone complaining of these symptoms having quit Paxil. He reiterated that the drug was "non-habit forming" and then had the nerve to tell me that I may have an inner ear infection. I couldn't believe it. When I got home that night, I got online and found this site. Even though my symptoms were not subsiding, at least I knew that I wasn't crazy and that I was not alone. It's been 11 days now and I'm beginning to feel a bit better. I wound up taking the rest of last week off from work to try to just ride out the symtoms at home. I went back to yoga yesterday. I just want to tell everyone that it does get better. I still hear the swooshes in my head and feel perpetually "out of it", but I was able to work today and the nasuea has subsided. I hope that going forward I will be able to control my stress and anxiety on my own. I know that I will neve rtake this drug again. If anyone had told me that this could happen, I wouldn't have taken it to begin with. It's just not worth it.

My doctor weaned me off a 40 milligram dose in four weeks (30 milligrams daily for one week, 20 milligrams daily for one week and 10 milligrams daily for two weeks). He mentioned I might have "vivid dreams." The withdrawal (the flu) symptoms began in week three of the above regime. I started having most of the rest of your list about the time I ran out of pills. But I was determined to be off the drug. I survived knowing others had kicked the Paxil habit, exercise (walking on a treadmill) and chocolate. Oh yes, and WATER, WATER, WATER. I usually drank around 64 ounces of water a day, but I soon was chugging at least 100 ounces a day. When I wasn't drinking water, I was in the bathroom.

I have already dropped 15 of the 40+ pounds I gained while on Paxil. I was naseaueated most of the time, so I wasn't eating much (brown rice and steamed veggies). What I did eat went straight through me (the water might have helped). The weight loss was another thing that kept me going. After years of watching the scale go up and up, it was wonderful seeing my clothes get looser and looser.

It has been some six weeks since my last dose, I am mostly over the physiological symptoms. In the past week or two, I have noticed my mood swings have dipped lower than before (while on Paxil), which is to be expected. They seem to be fairly short lived, and chocolate helps. So does exercise.

I would also like to mention that I quit caffine cold turkey because the thought of coffee made me sick to my stomach. I have only been able to enjoy my morning cup of java in the last week or so, as long as it's not too strong

Hi Frank! Friday I couldn't take it anymore so I took the day off work and went to the beach. I spent all day walking on the beach. Walking, walking, walking. I became obsessed with collecting beach glass (I guess it was something to focus on). I didn't sleep too well that night, but listening to the ocean was nice. (I splurged on an oceanside room at a B&B). Saturday, back to the beach, looking for beach glass. I must have walked 10 miles of beach. Finally drove back home Saturday evening with a sunburn and aching legs and enough beach glass to fill a rather large jar. Then around 9 pm Saturday night it hit me. It was like someone hit a switch. All of a sudden, I felt sleepy. Really, really sleepy. I slept for something like 36 hours (with a couple 2-3 hour breaks where I got up and sat in a chair for awhile).
Now it's Monday, I'm at work and although I feel a bit spacey, otherwise I'm fine! I did it, I beat Paxil. The jar of beach glass is going to be my souvenier.
p.s. I have some tips you might want to add to your tips list:

For me, the dizziness and "zaps" only lasted a few days. After that, my worst symptom was agitation, including a pounding heart beat, horrible insomnia, sweating, shaking, and a sense of terrible restlessness. This lasted about 2 weeks during which time I could not sleep for more than 2 or 3 hours a night. My advice for these kinds of symptoms:
— Keep yourself as cool as possible. Run the air conditioner (or turn down the heat, depending on the season). Drink lots of ice water. Take cool showers. Go swimming.
— You probably won't be hungry very often, but when you do get hungry, restrict yourself to very very light meals, e.g., a little soup and soda crackers. Digestion will crank up your autonomic nervous system, which is already running in high gear. So you may end up feeling much worse after eating. However, drink lots of water so you don't get dehydrated.
— Get as much exercise as possible. Even if you normally hate to exercise, you may find that going for long walks has a calming effect.
— Avoid alcohol like the plague.
— If you are a caffeine addict, cut back on coffee/tea/cola as much as possible. Watch out for non-cola soft drinks that have caffeine in them (read the labels). Avoid herbal remedies that say they will give you "energy" or "stimulate the mind" or improve "mental clarity" etc. because these may contain stimulants like ephedra. Also avoid any over-the-counter drugs that can stimulate the nervous system. Many cold, allergy, and asthma medicines contain stimulants such as ephedrine or pseudoephedrine (Sudafed). Of course, if you have asthma, talk to your doctor before changing any of your medications or inhalers.
— Find a hobby or project that you can work on obsessively during those late nights when you can't sleep.
— Keep reminding yourself that this isn't going to last forever!

Took Paxil for 6 years. As of Jan. 16th 2003 am Paxil free. PLEASE try this. Tapered from 20mg to 10mg, Buy a "pill cutter" immediately!! Cut 10 mg into quarters. Take for several weeks. Then was prescibed 12.5mg CONTROLLED RELEASE TABLETS and cut those pills into quarters with the pill cutter. Would take 1/4 then wait 2 days (that was all I could stand) Then after a few weeks, take 1/4 pill and would wait 3 to 4 days, (all I could stand), then it started to get better. Could handle the withdrawal symptoms as they became more slight and I could live with them. Stayed on 1/4 pill every 4 to 6 days for a week or two. Symptoms began to subside. Have not taken a Paxil since Jan. 16, 2003 !!!! Still have slight "electrical shocks" every now and then, but can handle that. No night horrors, still have terrible night sweats, thinking much clearer, can now experience emotions, and I can now cry when something truely moves me, and LADIES ---- this may be more than you want to know but I can now have an orgasm in less than a minute (it it wonderful) ---- Please keep trying, it is worth it! Take your time. (I still have my Paxil on hand in the horror that symptoms return) I will pray for each of you and keep me in your prayers also. There was a point and time that I thought this would be impossible to write. But I am FREE!!!!. It took me 3 months of Paxil withdrawal HELL. I am a Certified Medical Assistant and will always suggest to any of the patients that I come into contact with that they discuss with their Doctor about coming off Paxil ASAP. Thanks for listening.
...I knew the withdrawal symptoms would be a rough ride for a bit, but I was prepared to do "whatever it takes" to be paxil-free. So, last May, my "new" doctor started tapering me from 30 mg. to 20 mg. which I did for four weeks. I experienced some dizziness and "disconnection" with my body -- an unbalanced feeling. In June, I went from 20 mg. to 15, and then 15 to 10 mg. July 1st, I stopped all paxil. All of a sudden, I felt completely lethargic -- it was as if the life had been sucked out of me. I experienced "electric shock pulses" in my brain for a couple of weeks. And I was completely disconnected from my body and had much trouble with walking and balance. My doctor advised me that while getting off paxil, I must eat 3 balanced meals a day -- get out for a walk in the fresh air every day. I did not do this, and I think my withdrawal symptoms were worse because I was not looking after myself nutritionally or physically. Anyway, finally in mid-August, I began a 6 kilometre walk every second day -- I started to eat 3 healthy meals a day, and I started feeling stronger with each week that passed. I have continued this regimen, along with taking amino acids, multi-vitamins and anti-oxidants and I am feeling FANTASTIC! I feel "real" again, and I have feelings/emotions that I can "feel". While on Paxil, I "floated" over everything -- now, my mind is clear and focused, my short-term memory has improved 100%. So, rest assured, the withdrawal symptoms do pass and it is a huge sense of relieve to be paxil-free.

P.S. The doctor who helped me get off paxil does not like the drug, because of the severe withdrawal effects. He said there are other anti-depressants that are easier to get off. BUT GETTING OFF PAXIL IS WORTH IT AND THE WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS ARE TEMPORARY. YOU CAN DO IT

I am writing this to all of you who are either A) contemplating the discontinuance of Paxil B) going through bad withdrawal symptoms or C) reading about Paxil and realizing that it is not a very good drug to be on. Before I embark on sharing my story with all of you, I first want to acknowledge that it IS possible to QUIT Paxil. Some of you may be skeptical of this comment, believe me, I certainly was at one point in my life after I had tried and failed numerous times to get myself off of the drug. Honestly, if it had not been for all of the “success” stories posted throughout this wonderful web site, I probably would have not had the courage to discontinue Paxil. Therefore, I am indebted to each and every individual who has shared his or her story on this web site. Through reading the stories, I gained knowledge, strength, and courage to brave one of the most difficult battles I have ever faced in my life. With that being said, I shall begin my tale of Paxil withdrawal.
I had been on Paxil for the past seven years to treat my social anxiety disorder. I had tried numerous times throughout the past two years to quit cold turkey from my 20/mg a day dosage but did not have success. With the encouragement of a very good friend of mine I started to taper my dosage. I decided to cut my daily intake from 20 mg to 10 mg. A few days after I made the 10 mg decrease, I began to experience a wide array of symptoms; most noticeably, the “electric shock” sensations that so many other users have reported. In addition, I developed flu-like symptoms for about a week after I quit.
I stayed on 10 mg for another two weeks and then decided to cut my dosage to 5 mg a day. This decision was made because my body had habituated to the decrease and the withdrawal symptoms had subsided completely. When I made the decrease from 10 mg to 5 mg the side effects were not as noticeable. I did not develop any “flu-like” symptoms and there was the absence of the “electric shock” phenomena. Once again, I stayed on this 5 mg a day regimen for about three weeks.
I was very excited about the progress that I had made, but I was also very hesitant and worried about discontinuing Paxil altogether. I had read all of the horror stories on the net about the hells associated with serotonin withdrawal syndrome and how getting off of Paxil is far more difficult than quitting any of the other SSRI’s (read Prozac, Zoloft, etc.) because of the drugs half-life. I had also heard that quitting Paxil altogether was synonymous to an alcoholic ceasing to drink (cold-turkey).
With that knowledge in hand, I decided to stop taking Paxil altogether. Within three days, my body was craving the drug. On day three I started the horrible withdrawal as described by many on this web-site. I began experiencing nightmares that seemed incredibly real, I suffered a terrible headache throughout the course of the day that would not let up no matter how much aspirin I took, the muscles in my back severely ached, I was extremely irritable, my sense of equilibrium and balance was impaired, I had intense insomnia as it was difficult to get to sleep at night and I felt an exhaustion which I would compare to infectious mononucleosis. In addition, a few times in a day for no apparent reason I would begin to panic for 30 seconds or so and then I would be fine. All of the aforementioned symptoms grew in intensity from day 3 of my discontinuance and peaked at approximately day 18.
I have now been Paxil free for 28 days. The majority of my withdrawal symptoms are behind me as the only ones that my body is now exhibiting are mild muscle aches (only in the morning), headaches, a slight feeling of fatigue and off and on nightmares. Conversely, I can honestly say that I now feel the best that I have in seven years.
It is strange, as I feel as if I now have more energy than I have ever had before. In addition, my mind is more alert and sharp than it ever has been and I feel as if everything is incredibly clear. It feels as if a heavy fog has been lifted from my life and the sun is finally shining through. When I listen to music, it sounds clearer and seems to flow better, and, it sounds better than it ever has before. I feel as if I am actually living now and I feel as if I can experience emotions again. I can feel and experience extreme elation or happiness. I actually feel more emotionally stable than I ever have and my sense of self-confidence has greatly increased!
In addition, I have noticed that my appetite has increased (luckily I am not gaining any weight, in fact I think I might be losing some weight), my vision seems to be clearer, I seem to be able to recall things more quickly and with more ease, and my encounters with other people now seem to be actual interactions instead of chores. Basically, I am happy, full of energy and vitality, and I feel full of life. A good quote to describe how I am feeling is “my cup runneth over”.
I now feel emotionally strong and I feel as if I am ready to take-on and handle the world. I experience a sense of peace and fulfillment that I haven’t felt in a very long time. I seem much more interested in the things that I used to love and I feel as if I am now actually living.
In conclusion, it should be known that I do not despise the makers of Paxil. Paxil helped to give me some of the tools that I needed to get over my social anxiety disorder. In the same breadth, I find it very unfair that SKB manufactured the drug without disclosing to the public that people do experience withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuance. Would I recommend this drug to any of my family or friends suffering from depression or anxiety disorders? Certainly not!
Lastly, an excellent tool that helped me when I was experiencing withdrawal symptoms was to just tell myself that each day that I was off of Paxil was another day closer to being “Paxil-Free”. I also convinced myself that I did not need drugs to help me cope with day-to-day life. Getting off of Paxil has been one of the most difficult things that I have ever experienced in my 23 year old life thus far, but, the feeling of being able to conquer such a feat only gives me that much more confidence. Thus, if you are reading this and experiencing withdrawal symptoms, don’t give up, hang in there, it is tough, but trust me, in the end, you will thank yourself that you are “Paxil-Free”.
For everyone out there who is wondering whether they can get out of the paxil withdrawl hell....I am here to say it is possible! I did it cold turkey. I don't suggest doing it that way but my health insurance ran out and I had no choice.
In the end it was the best thing that every happened. I was scared at first but I just told myself I had no choice. Once I realized I could do that....I had the strength to beat my panic attacks...on my own...drug free! That was a good feeling.
That was two years ago. I am better than ever. The electric shocks and the dizziness will go away....I was scared that they wouldn't but they do. Good Luck.
I was on Paxil for 7 months when I attempted to stop taking the drug. While taking it I experienced tremors, restless sleep, decreased sexual sensitivity, headaches and night sweats. When I tried to quit I experienced severe dizziness which kept me from doing many activities of everyday life. I lost all hope and was brought to tears with the thought that I would never get off this drug without spending months being dizzy and unable to sleep. Then my boyfriend stepped in and tried to find some advice online where I discovered a lot of people with my exact same symptoms. What I finally did to help me quit Paxil without overwhelming dizziness was to very slowly decrease my dosage while increasing days in between of not taking it. I started taking half a pill each day (10 mg), then half every other day, then every 2 days, then a quarter (5 mg) every other day, then every 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, and so on. I would go as long as I could until I started feeling dizzy, then take as little as possible to feel normal again. Eventually I was able to go 4-5 days with as little as 5 mg and then quit altogether without dizziness. This entire process took about 2 months. I'd spend at least a week on each step down the ladder. All my symptoms have since disappeared and I feel normal once again. You can do it too!
I took an accelerated approach to weaning myself off. First, I cut from 20mg to 10 mg. Two weeks later, went down to 5 mg. Two weeks later went to2.5 mg. When I ran out of pills, that was it. Let me tell you that I felt horrible. Nausea, dizzy, sweats, shocks. All the symptoms described. After about a month and a half, the nausea went away. I'm back to my grumpy self but feeling better. No more shocks and spins either. Try lots of water, sweat it out. When you're feeling sick try a cold, sweet drink. Maybe only a placebo but seemed to work
Thank you for your Web site. I decided to quit taking my 20-mg/day Paxil dosage after two years of being on the drug. My husband and I had been discussing pregnancy, and it had been so long since I'd had counseling for depression, I thought it was time to get back to a drug-free life.
I quit cold-turkey nine days ago. The symptoms were exactly as they'd been described on your Web site -- nausea, dizziness, "brain sloshing" -- and vivid, epic dreams. I warned my co-workers that any sudden illness was brought on by my withdrawal from prescription medication and that I'd be fine after two weeks or so.
I still get daily headaches, the dull, pounding, pressurized skull kind. I hear odd sloshy noises in my head, but can mostly tune them out now. But last night I felt a sense of clarity I hadn't felt in years, even before being on Paxil. My brain felt clean, fresh, as if someone had dusted it off or rubbed off the tarnish. Conversations with my husband became interactions, not altercations, and I felt like I could actually comprehend the things he said to me, not just react to them.
There is a light. Many advised going off the drug slowly, and I won't go against their advice, but my experience was quick, dirty and worth it. I hope others feel that sense of return to consciousness once this extremely strong, brain-numbing drug is out of their systems.
Anti-depressants are not evil, but they are so new, and so misused. With hope, the future will bring greater knowledge about the awful circumstances that cause us to require "synapse lubricators" so that we may feel relief from anxiety, fear and sadness.
Hello ... I would like to relate to you how I successfully withdrew, cold turkey, from a 40m per day dose of Paxil, that I had been taking for 6 years. It was, as many people on this site have related, a living hell, in every sense of the word. I am a 42 year old single mother of four children, ages 14, 12, 8 & 7, and I am also a breast cancer survivor. I couldn't take 2 weeks off of work, or send my kids off to camp while I went through the withdrawal, but I knew that going cold turkey was the ONLY way for me ... to just DO IT and get it over with, not draw it out into this big, long process. I had EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS listed on the "symptoms" part of this site. The night terrors/insomnia were the absolute worst ... to be so exhausted that all you want to do is sleep ... finally I would drift off, only to be awakened moments later with a feeling of sheer terror, with vivid, frightening images so real that I think I was actually hallucinating. But somehow I got through. I slept with the light on, took Valerian ( I was coming cold turkey off Ativan & Neurontin, too) Root to help me sleep, and tried as much as I could to pamper myself. I am a classical musician, so I tried to immerse myself as much as possible in the music I loved. I took 4 showers a day to deal with the unbelievable sweating, and just walked around VERY slowly are carefully to deal with the vertigo. And I lay in bed as much as I could, reminding myself that for every day I could just hang in there and not go back on the Paxil, I was one day closer to having the drug OUT of my system. A few close friends that knew what I was going through came over and helped out with the kids a little (hint: Paxil withdrawal & 6 year olds having tantrums do not mix real well, it kind of had the effect of nails being raked across my brain). My Mom came over -- I handed her a printed-out list of all the withdrawal symptoms, she read them, and promptly did some of my dishes and laundry. My hint to other Moms, especially single Moms, who are quitting Paxil cold turkey. Forget about cooking fancy dishes for a few weeks. Buy paper cups, paper plates, paper bowls & plastic silverware, stock up on the Fruit Loops, Cocoa puffs, bread, peanut butter & milk, and don't worry, your kids will survive without their broccoli while you are experiencing the worst of your withdrawal. They might even enjoy themselves and wish Mommy would let them eat Pop-tarts for dinner ALL the time (-: And let me tell you, those %$#@*%* electric shocks. I really could have done without those, thank you very much. Well, I could go on and on, but let me suffice it to say that I am now doing quite well. It has been four weeks since my last Paxil tablet, and I no longer fall asleep before the children at night. I have my old energy back, as well as a some of my old anxieties, but am in general feeling wonderful. I used to drink 6 - 8 cups of coffee a day just to stay awake ...the paxil made me so drowsy! ... I now have only one cup of caffeinated coffee in the morning, something I thought I could NEVER manage to do!! I am drinking green tea (both hot and iced!), eating better, doing slow meditative breathing exercises, and making sure I take a walk every day. When I originally went on Paxil, I gained 40 lb., and couldn't lose it, no matter WHAT I did. Since going off the Paxil, I have lost 10 lb. without even trying. My entire system seems to be functioning much better. Well, life is not all a bowl of cherries, of course, but at least now I feel like I have a chance of trying to get through it without being hopelessly addicted to a drug that, YES, did help me immensely at one point in time, but was no longer needed. This Paxil site helped immensely as I was going through the worst of things. Just to know that I wasn't alone, and wasn't losing my mind, was such a blessings. When I first saw the complete list of withdrawal symptoms, I cried tears of joy, to simply know that what I was experiencing was NOT all in my head, and that there was light at the end of the tunnel. So there is my story. I hope that some part of it will help someone, somewhere, who is trying to get off of Paxil cold turkey. Hang in there. It gets better. I'm doing well, and I am PAXIL-FREE!!!!
Hello, I started on Paxil in March of 1999 after a severe mental and physical breakdown. After about 5 months of being on 20mg a day, I decide I was feeling fine and that I was going to wean myself off in a period of 2 weeks. About 3-4 days after I stopped taking Paxil, the severe symptoms began-- extreme dizziness, extreme nausea, headaches, crying, sweating, depression, electric shock feelings all through my body, and that very annoying "swish-swish" in my head as I would move my eyes around (would occur with eyes open OR shut). I, with the advice of my doctor, went back on Paxil. The symptoms were terrible and 5 months was not enough.
It's now July 2001, and I am 2 weeks off of Paxil after taking a FULL YEAR to wean myself off. Paxil is a very powerful drug that can definitely help a person when they truly need it. But, you must be prepared for the side-effects while on the drug, as well as the withdrawal symptoms when you are ready to come off it. When I went on Paxil I weighed 125lbs., at 5' 7". I have been thin my whole life. While on the Paxil, I steadily gained weight and have topped off at 160lbs. That's a lot of weight to gain. Other people that I know on Paxil have also gained a good bit of weight.
The final dose that I was on was only 5mg (split 20mg pill in quarters). And because I had taken a full year to wean myself down to 5mg, I, along with my doctor did not think that I would experience the side-effects again. WE WERE WRONG!!!! The past week and a half have been just horrible. I had all the same withdrawal symptoms again. I could not be in a vertical position very long, the dizziness and nausea were that bad. But I have toughed it out, although the swish-swish feeling in my eyes is still there. This will disappear eventually.
My advice to anyone wanting to get off of Paxil is not to rush it!!! If you can take a full year and wean yourself off---DO IT. When the time comes to finally get off, take two weeks off from work (you'll need it), and be prepared to spend a lot of time in bed. All the feelings and physical symptoms that you will feel are normal, we have all felt them. You're not going crazy. It's drug withdrawal. Once you begin to feel better, slowly begin an exercise routine, even if it's just walking. Exercise is wonderful for combating depression and anxiety!!!!! It, along with good nutrition, bring the body into balance. Drink a lot of water! When the Fall arrives, consider buying the special lights to treat SAD (seasonal affective disorder). This is especially important if you live in the north like I do (Buffalo). Good Luck. You can get off of Paxil when the time is right! Elizabeth
My name is Jan I am a 42 year old man from Denmark. I write you because I want you to know that your site has been my “bible” as I went off paroxetine 2 1/2 weeks ago… It is a very impressive site … good stuff. My physician did not mention any of the withdrawal symptoms at all. So if it hadn’t been for your site, I would have been very scared, as symptoms were very heavy. I had electric impulses jogging around in my body. Could not move my eyes, without feeling as if my breast/heart jumped around. (very unpleasant). And many more of the symptoms you write about. I am going to show your site to my physician in order to show her what not only I have been through but many others. I had moments where I had to go to bed just crying because I felt like if I had a stroke or something even worse. I still suffer from some minor spasms in my right hand and problems in the middle of the day with concentration. But overall I am fine again … And very tired
"I feel it is so important to share my victory with everyone. I too felt as though I was a prisoner to this drug. Several attempts to wean myself were unsuccessful. To make matters worse, every time I spoke with my doctor or his nurse, they would say "oh really, we just have not heard of anyone having so much difficulty getting off of this drug." Truly, I thought I was going insane. It was so eye-opening to learn that I was not nuts and that many people have gone through the horrible side effects. Well, it took 9 long months, but I was determined. The slow progression was the success story. I went from 20 mg to 15 mg switching dsg. every other day for 3 months. Then 15mg to 10mg switching dsg. every other day for 3 months. Then finally 10mg to 5 mg switching dsg. every other day for 3 months. When I got down to five mg. I maintained that for about 3 weeks. Went to 5 mg. every other day for 2 weeks. Finally stopped. I held onto that bottle for one month before I had the guts to flush the Paxil I had left. Even after being off. I have challenges, but I am not going back on. I will find something else. You see, I have Multiple Sclerosis. The chances of me needing to be on an antidepressant are great. However, I don't ever want to go through this type of torment again. Good luck to everyone. God Bless."
went going off of Paxil the wrong way! I live an hour and a half from my parents, and while visiting them last weekend, I forgot my pills there. This week has been hell on wheels for my husband and I. I went on the drug three years ago to help with anxiety and panic while getting my Masters Degree and getting over a horrible auto accident that left me incapacitated for nearly a year. I met my husband two years ago, and got married last fall. We've talked about children, and while nothing can be reported about HUMAN pregnancies when the mother is on Paxil, according to many reports, animal testing has shown birth defects and low birth weight. So, knowing that my "handy helper" was an hour and a half away, I decided to stop taking it all together, and to stay off of it. In the past I would forget for a day or two, have the constant body aches, and zapping throughout my body, my mouth and tongue would also go numb!! I've been off of it for nearly a week now, and the zapping, numbing in the mouth, and having to lean on furniture to get around the room without falling is constant. I do have a piece of advice though - think about your future children!! If you're a woman, you are NOT doing yourself or your baby any good by being pregnant on Paxil. Good luck to you all out there, I'm only a week into it, but going strong and going to beat the drug that supposedly "saved my sanity" three years ago. We can all do it together - my last piece of advice before hopping off of my soapbox, is smoking while quitting intensifies the zapping, vertigo, and confusion. Good luck!! We all need to kick this drug, and we can do it...!!
I've been on SSRI's intermitedly for the past 15 years of my life. I'm now 29 yrs old and just tired of the same old M.D. response to life's problems, "oh, you don't feel quite right? Just pop some of these." It's a real pitty that these "therapists" see a patient as little more than a chemical recepticle and not a person with issues. I guess when your getting commision to sell (read push) drugs on people you have some inscentive. Guess we are losing the drug war after all. Well, now that I've gotten that off my chest I'd just like to discuss my current state of paxil withdrawl. I decided a couple of days ago to kick this silly habit for good. Aside from my distaste of making pharmacuetical companies rich, I don't care for my body being polluted. I'm also begining to miss my old self. Sure I had my bad times, but at least I had the good ones to. I could apreciate beautey, satisfaction, joy and a myriad of other rich emotions. This paxil has dulled the senses and dragged me into a painless limbo. I think I prefer life instead. I'm happy to report that I've only suffered mild withdrawl from paxil (Paxil CR to be specific) with the exeption of a pretty bad case of insomnia. I'm currently writing this due to my sleeplessness. At any rate, I can only suggest to anyone going through their time of peril to stay focused on their descision to give up the happy pill, communicate with the doctor, take vitamines and exercise. Don't run away from life, emerse yourself in it.
I am in my 19th day without Paxil! I started taking Paxil 2 ½ years ago because of anxiety and depression. My doctor told me that Paxil was not an addictive drug. He didn’t tell me about the sleepiness or the weight gain. I could have dealt with the weight gain, but was a “married single mother” of two young children and wasn’t prepared to be basically unconscious for 3 days in the beginning. However, after getting past that, I was so glad to be on the Paxil. It was wonderful. The suicidal thoughts went away for me. I could finally eat without being sick. The panic attacks that kept me awake for days at a time vanished. I quit being angry all the time and quit yelling at my children. Nothing seemed to bother me anymore. Messy house? No problem. Kids acting like hooligans in public? No problem. Cereal and popcorn three days in a row for dinner? Yipee! I thought it was great. Fast forward 2 years. My doctor decided it was time for me to stop taking it. My dad was dying and I asked if I could stay on until he passed and then come off. The doctor said ok. Three weeks before my six month appointment I ran out of pills. I decided to come off on my own, that way, if I ‘”couldn’t”, I could tell the doctor at my appointment that I had tried to come off and needed to stay on. I was thinking that the reasons I went on the drug in the first place would come back. I didn’t know there was a withdrawal process. I thought I was catching the flu. I was totally worn out, had a headache, my eyes hurt, I was dizzy, nauseated, had diarrhea and just didn’t feel good. This went on for about 4 days. I never once thought it had anything to do with the Paxil. Those symptoms continued and I began having panic attacks again. I also had this awful swooshing in my head. I was also angrier than I had ever been in my life. Everything made me mad. I physically attacked my husband more than once and gave my neighbors quite a show when I threw my patio furniture off the deck, walked down the stairs, put it back, got pissed off about it, and threw the furniture down again. I looked on the internet under “paxil withdrawal” and found your website. BINGO! By the time I had been off the pills for 7 days I couldn’t stand myself and neither could anyone else. But I knew I would never take another Paxil if I lived through this. I thought I was going crazy. I thought I would die and wanted to. The thoughts of suicide came rushing back. Only this time, I wanted to take my children with me. I was no longer numb and had to deal with the loss of my dad. I thought I was doing so well after his funeral because I didn’t cry. I didn’t realize that I couldn’t cry. Well, I have now made up for it. I have been very emotional since going off the Paxil, but I guess that is better than being numb. I drank a lot of water, tried the chocolate thing (didn’t really work but didn’t hurt either), went to bed when I put the kids to bed, and basically tried not to lose my job because of the awful, uncontrolled, ridiculous things that came out of my mouth. I am doing much better now. I still have a bit of the dizziness and diarrhea but am feeling much better. My advice for anyone wanting to come off Paxil is once you quit taking them, don’t start again. Who wants to go through that hell more than once?! You can make it, you aren’t going crazy, and as they say, this too shall pass!
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