Give Bookworms Something to Think About With a Vegetarian Library Display

Bullet Intro to Veganism
Bullet Free Vegetarian Starter Kit
Bullet Get Active
Bullet “Meet Your Meat” Click here to watch the video
Bullet “Chew on This” Click here to watch the video
Bullet Support Our Work

We’ve turned our two most successful vegetarian displays into posters that you can use at your local school or library (or anywhere else!). Each set contains four colorful and informative posters measuring 18 inches by 24 inches each.

The “General Vegetarian” set explains how going vegetarian helps animals, the Earth, and your health. Click here to view these vertical posters.

The “Chickens’ Life” posters focus on how interesting and intelligent these birds are and why they (and their eggs) should be left off our plates. Click here to view these horizontal posters.

Both sets of posters feature animal-friendly superstars Pamela Anderson, Russell Simmons, and Paul McCartney and tell a compelling story about farmed animals and the cruel reality of the factory farm and slaughterhouse industries.

You’ve probably seen various temporary exhibits in your local public or school library. Please approach your library and ask if you could be in charge of creating a display. With our posters and your library’s folding bulletin boards, all you’ll need to do is stick in the thumbtacks!

The posters can also be displayed at your place of worship, at your school, or anywhere else you can think of! They would be great to hang from your table the next time you are giving out pro-animal information at a concert or festival. Once you have decided how you want to use these posters, click here to order a free set.

To request literature to accompany your display, please visit