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Philippines poor? i really dont get it...?

the philippines was considered as a first world country during marcos regime.... but now we are third world country.. why did he have to be corrupt and be obsessed with power.. =(

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unfortunately, we met some stumbling blocks on the way to our greatness. But we will still make it. Someday....

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Even if your help will only seem like a drop in the ocean, it will still count nevertheless. If you ask what I'm planning to do, well, it's pretty grand. I'll become a doctor then I'll build a private school there. and with the money accumulated from their tuition I'll build a free school for the poor kids, starting with elementary then it will just build up and I may have enough money to build a free kolehiyo (college). The Private school will have a whole different system from the impractical school system in the Philippines, and the motto will be "Humility exalts." and hopefully the school will change the delusional and weird mindset of Filipinos and make them somehow help their own country. it's complicated, but there I told you. It's a really grand plan which may not come true in the end if I choose to slack. "All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth." -Aristotle Let us reform our schools, and we shall find little need of reform in our prisons. -John Ruskin.

  • Johny
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    To many foreign investors who invest money into the Philippines and take the profits away from the people. Its been going on since the Japanese were kicked out. The people who are benefiting from this are going to make sure the Philippines will stay relatively the same. Think about it mate!

  • 1 decade ago

    I really don't get it too. It is a country blessed with a wealth of natural resources, from minerals to tourism to fish to agriculture and forest, and a generally well educated and hard working people. Compared to most Asian countries, it should be well ahead of the pack in terms of economic prosperity. Yet, it is not. I'm not knowledgeable enough about that country to say that the root cause is corruption but I would be curious to understand the reasons.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The 20 years of corrupt Marcos regime has put us up into this mess.

  • 1 decade ago

    know what? ive been wondering about this too.

    im not a marcos fan or something, but i think he was better, he kept the country waaaaaay above and plus, he protected the spratly's.

    all the others who ruled after were just some sick bitches. darn it! I HATE THIS.

    back then, i was really concerned about the politics but now, hmm .. i dont know? i guess we should just accept that there won't be any other BETTER leader. all of them will just get blinded by money and power during their reign

    believe me, we CAN do something!



    we can do this, filipinos. let's just strengthen our hopes :]

    and spread the flip pride ~

    Source(s): i'm a filipina
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Poor my a.s.s. Take a look in any mall there. Its packed with people. The fact that there even is a mall every 1/2 mile should tell you that SOMEBODY there has money. Sure there are people at the bottom of the food chain but they have that everywhere. I see plenty of mercedes benz and ford explorer all over Manila. You cant buy that stuff on 100 peso a day salary.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I disagree! The Philippines is definately NOT poor! We are probably the richest country in the world with all our natural resources! So Filipinos, just be proud of what you have as your country! GO FILIPINOS! LOL :D

  • 1 decade ago

    Where did you get that stupid information!

    My goodness during the Marcos Regime, are you insane!

  • 1 decade ago

    i don't really believe it because

    *the malls in the philippines are always full of people

    *most filipinos have cell phones

    *when you enter movie houses in the philippines during a new movie, it is always full of people

    *many filipinos surf the net

    well, i don't know the real situation happening...

  • 1 decade ago

    well, I just hope that it'll progress someday. This is just one of the rough times everyone goes through, it's how life is.

    I just wish that the government people wouldn't be selfish and think about the country and it's people more.

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