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Birth control?

I'm 17 &+ currently 32 weeks pregnant. I need to discuss with my case worker what birth control I'm going to be put on. I am diagnosed with Bipolar &+ border line personality disorder so there fore I need to take medication right after I give birth, I was wondering if anybody could give me their advice on what they think is the best birth control, &+ would it work while on other medications?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well the best birth control varies for each woman. I think you can first do some blood work to see what your hormone levels are naturally so you know what exactly you want to add to your system. The ones that dont limit the amount of periods you get are the healthiest. Women are supposed to have 12 periods a year if you chane that you are taking a big risk. Aside from that it depends on a lot, your age, weight, stuff like that. I am on Trinessa and I think it is great. No weight gain, no acne, i know exactly when my period is coming and it only lasts 4 days.

  • 1 decade ago

    They say YAZ is the best for women with severe pms and pmdd, so that is the first one that came to mind. Not sure how it reacts with other meds so make sure you check with the doc.

    Source(s): 22 weks w/ #2
  • 1 decade ago

    merina is good, i had a case of very bad depression. it's easy you don't ever forget it.

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