Mijal Grinberg, Haaretz Correspondent and Reuters: Qassam rocket strikes Sderot synagogue; no one hurt
Title:Hesitation, will only give the terrorists more confidence.
City: Geneve.State: Switzerland
It must be difficult to be a Defense Minister. Its also difficult to be a decisive man. Unfortunately when at war, especially when the enemy attacks ones cities, shopping malls or blowing up grandmothers in their homes, the nature of our Defense Minister has been shown. I do not doubt his courage, what I doubt is his decisiveness. When in battle, we change, we become a stranger to our past, we only think of survival in the present tense. "Barak, no matter how hard it is, the boiling blood and anger, fades away." "Time to put on your armour, shield and sword and lead your Army against the Philistines, for they are upon us"!