News Agencies: Hezbollah declares crisis over after Lebanon gov't climb-down
Title:Lebanon and the Hizbullah.
Name:Jean Van Daem
City: MetulaState:
The Lebanese state cannot live side by side with a Hizbullah state. This theorem is becoming more evident by the day, as the party`s actions in the past three years have been, by definition, directed against the state, the government, the army and the security forces, institutions of national representation, the economy, and more fundamentally the rules of the Lebanese communal game. We`ve reached the point where Hizbullah, and more importantly the Shiite community, must choose. Will it persist in favoring a Hizbullah-led parallel state that will surely continue to clash with the recognized state? Or will Shiites try to find a new arrangement with their countrymen that forces Hizbullah to surrender its weapons? More about Hizbullah at :