Reuters: Israeli film at Cannes explores 1982 Sabra and Shatila massacre
Title:Hacham :lo kol kach haham part1
City: NantesState: France
First I disagree with marilyn as much as you.
BUT: you should read some serious history books, you would learn that
1)in germany it was in protestant regions that nazis were most popular there was a national socialist german protetant church.
2)The nazis were utterly atheists/nihilists despising any religion especially catholics for it`s JEWISHNESS and Meekness they killed priests, dissolved christian yought organisations (like any non-nazi organisation)muzzeled the press.
3)It`s not because you live an so called "catholic" country that you are catholic and act accordingly today in "catholic" France catholics are a tiny minority most people are agnostics/atheists permeated by marxism/trotskism.
4)Althought many polish people collaborated NO polish party/church official nor mouvement called for collaboration(see poland`s contribution in WWII inwikpedia) they ALL called to fight on.