Reuters: Israeli film at Cannes explores 1982 Sabra and Shatila massacre
Title:#6 ScotGuy; Blaming Israel for Sabra& Shattila is an excuse...
Name:Max Zamir
City: GTA State: Canada
"..I mean... there is no way to escape the fact that Sabra and Shatila was a costly and sad turning point where Israel started to loose world sympathy..."
World sympathy for Israel lasted onlly when we were preceived as a ultimate loosers to Arab Armies treats to annihilate us.As soon as we won the 6 days War in 1967 to the surprise of every jew hater in Christian world, we became a target of their closeted hate of Jews.
The masscre in Sabra and Shattila was conducted by Christina Militia unit under the comand of Hobelka,It was always the fact which Arafats propagand machine decided to turn against Jews, It cought on with the European in particular.
Christian countries adopt the false argument balming Sharon and Israel than we can use the same argument against Europeans and particularly the Vatican whose Pontif at that time kept silent about the Final Solution.
So you say:Sharon is responsible for the Sabra and Shatilla Masscre"Then We say"Pope Pius XII is responsible for Aushwitz