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Articles about “AMightyHeart”

Oscar Loves Michael Clayton, Blood, Old Men, Juno

Photograph of Kathy Bates and AMPAS President Sid Ganis announcing the nominations by Chris Pizzello/AP While the writers' strike continues and prospects of an awards ceremony are unclear, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences...

The Cinecultist's Weekly DVD Pick: Grieving Widow Edition

A Mighty Heart (directed by Michael Winterbottom) Being a journalist doesn't sound like a very dangerous profession, but for Daniel Pearl, his investigations while reporting on the situation in Karachi for the Wall Street Journal lead to...

The Cinecultist's Weekly Movie Pick: Horrific Hostage Edition

A Mighty Heart (directed by Michael Winterbottom) If you ever turn on the TV, your computer or glance at a newspaper, you're probably aware that mother/humanitarian/human clothes hanger Angelina Jolie has a new movie coming out this...

The Jolie-Pitt's Are In Town

Internationally beloved Angelina Jolie and her less philanthropic beau, Brad Pitt, are in town. They're making headlines, too, with things like wearing inexpensive clothes and going to the doctor. Fine, we'll bite... Last night at the premiere...

The Cinecultist's Weekly Movie Pick: Slim Pickings Edition

It's inevitable in a summer season of blockbuster highs and lows that we'd have a weekend filled with new releases none of which look good enough to recommend. Glancing ahead to the rest of the month there's...

The Cinecultist's Summer Movie Picks: Looking Ahead Edition

A Bourne, a Cloon and a pirate, oh my...with the Memorial Day holiday this weekend, we're entering the prime summer movie season and it's time to get psyched. Psyched! Here's just some Hollywood flicks we're awaiting between...

Angelina, Brad and the Kids Head to India

When the world's most photogenic celebrity family heads to India, you can be sure even a rickshaw ride will be documented. Now we know that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have deemed that Maddox is old...