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"The Wild Boy of the Digital World"
January 7 @ 8:30PM
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Digimon Data Squad Character Bios
Marcus Damon:
Marcus Damon is a 14 year old junior high school student. He is the best street fighter in his area, and is seen as a bit of a lone gang leader. He cannot turn down a challenge and even challenges those bigger than him.

Marcus believes running from a fight or being afraid is the biggest loss. Because of his fighting instinct, Marcus is hot-headed and stubborn to the max. He believes in "a man's word" and will fight until his death to honor his word.

Marcus and Agumon met after Agumon escaped from DATS. Agumon challenged Marcus and soon found him to be a worthy opponent. Sharing the same ideology about fighting, Agumon realized Marcus and him were just alike and they befriended each other. Agumon began calling Marcus his boss, with Marcus being the first person that Agumon feels like he truly respects.

Agumon and Marcus quickly formed a bond that allowed Marcus to activate his digital "DNA." The DNA gave Agumon the power to Digivolve to GeoGreymon. The leader of DATS, Captain Sampson, watched on as the battle ended with GeoGreymon the victor. He then drafted Marcus and Agumon into his team to help defend the real world from the Digimon that have been attacking.

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The Digi Port, established April 29, 2001. © 2001-2007. Images, layout, information, site name, etc. © to TKTakeru. We do not own any part of Digimon, nor are we affiliated with Toei, Jetix, etc. We are just a non-profit fan site.