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Articles about “MattGreen”

Video: NYC Man Walks From Rockaway To Rockaway

Matt Green walks through Rockaway Beach, OR (with his supplies) yesterday (Rick Bowmer/AP) A New York City man named Matt has been walking across the country and documenting his journey here. He started in Rockaway Beach,...

Matt Green and Rob Moncure, BurnSomeDust.com

Last Monday Matt Green and Rob Moncure started out on a 150 mile trek around New York City. Performing tasks, gathering stories, keeping a blog, and most likely seeing a part of the city they had yet...

Another Attempt to Break Subway Riding Record

Some high school reunions spurs thoughts of regret and schadenfreude. The 10 year high school reunion for some Regis High School alums prompted a group of classmates to attempt to ride break the record for fastest...

More and More People Ride the Subways and Buses

Finally, proof that public transport is crowded for a reason: The MTA says that ridership has grown 36% in the past ten years. From amNew York: Trips on New York City Transit subway trains and buses...

Matt Green and Don Badaczewski, Subway Endurance Riders

Today, Matt Green and Don Badaczewski are attempting to break the record for riding the entire subway system in the least amount of time (the current record is 25 hours, 11 minutes). They are starting this morning...