FREE weekly safety tip for your website


We invite you to offer a feature on your web site which will take you about 90 seconds to implement.

How to. Paste a small code snippet into any web page where you would like the tip to appear. We'll take care of changing it every week on our end.

Not used to working with code?

Just copy and paste the following Javascript include into any HTML page. Position your cursor in the exact location where you want the tip to appear on the page, then paste in this code:

<script language="JavaScript" src=""></script>

The tip measures about 150 pixels wide, narrow enough to fit in most page layouts as a sidebar element. The height may vary, but it will never exceed 400 pixels.

In action. See how it looks on this site.

Help. Send e-mail to if you need help using the code.

Current tip

Last week's tip

Weekly Safety Tip
  • Never use a vise that has the slightest crack, nor try to repair a vise by welding or brazing. Get more safety tips.

Weekly Safety Tip
  • Work clothes exposed to chemicals and pesticides can contaminate washing machines and dryers and should not be laundered in your family machines at home. Get more safety tips.

Content and audience

A change during June

Let us know how you
are using the tip