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Articles about “SumnerRedstone”

Workers Chafe at Viacom’s Holiday Bone-Us

Sumner Redstone, who as majority shareholder still calls the shots at Viacom, has arranged a special holiday treat for his already well-exploited “permalancers”. (The term refers to the practice favored by Viacom and other companies of employing workers full time but classifying them “freelance” to keep their sneaky hands out of the insurance jar.) Though Viacom permalancers had previously been eligible for healthcare benefits after a year, new rules dictate that insurance will only be...

Oscar, Oscar: Liveblogging the Academy Awards 2007

It's that time of the year again: When Hollywood honors its moviemaking the way it knows (and not always in equitable ways, given that Alfred Hitchcock nor Robert Altman, to name a few, have never won Directing...

Why the Rich Are Different

So, there's a Page Six item that involves the usual Page Six details: A rich New Yorker (a celebrity dentist with patients "Donald Trump, Sumner Redstone, Harvey Weinstein, Bruce Springsteen, Kathie Lee Gifford, Christie Brinkley, Chloe Sevigny,...

Deborah Schoeneman, New York Magazine

Deborah Schoeneman, New York Magazine

Spike is Spike and Spike is Spike TV

As we suspected, Spike Lee and Viacom have settled the "Who does the name Spike belong to" issue. Viacom can rebrand TNN "Spike TV," Spike Lee gets some cash money. One of his lawyers says, "We have...

Rupert Murdoch is Evil

Gothamist can't wait to see the new ads that basically paint Rupert Murdoch as the media tyrant we know he is. Created by MoveOn.org, the ads try to inform the American public about Rupert's evil plans to...