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NSC-by-Topic pages on

Additional training


Emergency Care

Courses for the public, for instructors, and for professional first responders. Information for existing and prospective training centers and intructors. Online training. Related textbooks and products.

For learners

Course descriptions for our classes in First Aid, CPR, Automated External Defibrillation and Bloodborne Pathogens; pointers to training centers where you can take the courses; and links to the associated textbooks. Includes online courses.
Go to the index page.

Training course locator: Use our searchable Training Center Directory to find a place to take your class.

For instructors

Become an Instructor: Click here for more info.

An Emergency Care Portal for Instructors Only:
Emergency Care Instructor PortalBecome an instructor and register for an account. It's a community of practice for instructors and includes promotional pieces for classes, forms and documents to help you organize your training, a shopping cart and a message board for networking.

Instructor courses: See a schedule of classes offered by our chapter network:

Certificate templates: Existing training centers, download the revised certificate templates here. Microsoft Word documents, .dot or .doc. It may help to right-click on the link and choose "Save Target As" or "Save As."

  • To save or download the file to your computer, right-click on the link and choose "Save Target As."
  • If you need it, get Adobe Acrobat Reader software to see PDF files.

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