Results tagged “universityofchicago”

Take a Palestinian professor with a critically praised and questionable book about Middle Eastern archeology and add her desire for tenure at Barnard College, and you have a big headache for school administrators. The NY Times notes that Nadia Abu El-Haj's tenure bid is yet another instance of the "struggle over scholarship on the Middle East" at Columbia University.

It's a mixed bag for Columbia today. The school was probably happy to find out that it ranked 9th in U.S News & World Report's latest top college ranking issues, but it's no fun to learn that its billion-dollar Manhattanville project was rejected by a community board committee.

EVENT: If you haven't taken a trip back to the Summer of Love yet, head over to the Whitney tonight for the exhibit and enjoy their Whitney Live event. DJ Scientific and Dana Leong will be providing the tunes.

Hold the door – and don’t forget to tip the doorman, the porter, the super, and ….

Did Mayor Bloomberg brind the Country Music Awards to NYC to get some of the heartland vote? Earlier this week, the Norwalk, CT paper "The Hour" asked our Mayor about his presidential aspirations, if any. Mayor Bilng said, "Absolutely not... And anybody who's running will say exactly that." Plus, he made it clear he could pay for a presidential run. Well, duh - he could probably pay for a couple presidential runs, but we thought he was going to become a full-time philanthropist!

- And Mayor Bloomberg is giving the convocation speech at the University of Chicago on June 10; we point this out because while Mayor Bloomberg claims he doesn't want to run for president, it's unusual for UChicago to have a non-faculty speaker (there was Bill Clinton, but he was President, and Kay Graham, but she was the publisher of the Washington Post and a big donor)... maybe Mayor Bling is donating some money or looking to take advantage of midwest media affiliates

2006_03_26_nytimeswedding.jpg So, it's been a little while since the last time we visited the Times Weddings and Celebrations by the Numbers but today there was no way we couldn't count 'em up. If you opened up the paper today you might have noticed that the familiar face of our very own Jen Chung and her new husband Jay Wilkins were the on top of the list of sixteen non-Vows weddings this week.

Another short Weddings and Celebrations, so let's jump in: Total Number of Weddings: 10
Total Number of Same-Sex Weddings: 0 Average Age of Brides: 35
Average Age of Grooms: 37.3
Youngest Bride: 26
Oldest Bride: 72
Youngest Groom: 26
Oldest Groom: 80
Average Age Difference: 2.7 years
Largest Age Difference: 8 years Number of Older Brides: 1
Number of Older Grooms: 7
Number of Same-Age Couples: 2 Number of Native New Yorkers (State): 3
Number of Non-Native New Yorkers: 17
Number of Weddings Held Instate: 3
Number of Weddings Held Out of State: 7 Number of Previous Marriages That Ended in Divorce: 1
Number of Previous Marriages That Ended in Death: 1 Number of Columbia Graduates: 2
Number of Cambridge Graduates: 2
Number of Fordham Graduates: 2
Number of Rutgers Graduates: 2
Number of Brandeis Graduates: 2
Number of Harvard Graduates: 2
Number of University of Chicago Graduates: 1
Number of NYU Graduates: 1
Number of Princeton Graduates: 1
Number of People With No College Listed: 1
Number of Couples Who Fell For Each Other Over Three Basketball Games in Which the Bulls Lost: 1

Number of Three-Term Governors of Vermont Married: 1

Number of Grooms Who Were on the United States Rowing Team: 1 Number of Weddings With Couple Photos: 8
Number of Weddings With Bride Only Photos: 0
Number of Weddings Without Photos: 2
Number of Grooms With Glasses in Photos: 3
Number of Brides With Glasses in Photos: 0
Number of No-Teeth Smiles in Photos: 1 (0 Grooms, 1 Brides)
Number of Bald or Nearly Bald Grooms in Photos: 4

There is a nice doubles theme in today's Weddings and Celebrations. Couples who went to school together, couples who teach at school together, couples who work at AOL together, couples whose Filipino parents have the same medical professions, couples with the same number of divorces, even couples with the same number of kids!

Just a few weddings these past two weeks, what with New Year's and Christmas landing on the weekends. But here goes, this week's Weddings and Celebrations, by the numbers (a lot of numbers this weekend, huh...):

A fun weekend this week, so let's jump right into this week's Weddings and Celebrations:

Here they are, this weeks Weddings and Celebrations, by the numbers:

Here they are, this weeks Weddings and Celebrations, by the numbers:

Saira Mohan, Multi-hyphenate model

- Columbia has a lower crime rate compared to Harvard, Yale and University of Chicago.



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