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The Chronicle of Higher Education - Information provided by Jenzabar
Jenzabar Total Campus Management
The Advantage of
Total Campus Management™
Colleges and universities face unprecedented challenges as they strive to meet demanding performance goals, from raising enrollment and retention numbers to reducing costs and exceeding fund-raising targets. In today's competitive world, you need every advantage to achieve your institutional objectives and further your mission—from innovative software to strategic expertise and client-tailored services. Find it all in one place, delivered by a strong partner dedicated to your success: that's Total Campus Management.™

We Call It ERA ... You Call It Institutional Success
Before your institution can accomplish its mission, it must succeed in three key areas: enrollment, retention, and advancement—what we call ERA. ERA success is critical to your school's viability and vitality. Total Campus Management solutions drive constituent satisfaction and operational excellence and help your school achieve ERA success.
Student information systems, advanced decision-making tools, and an award-winning Internet portal connect candidates to your campus community right from the start . . . deliver positive online experiences to new students even before they arrive on campus . . . and keep alumni, donors, and friends close to your school. We call it ERA. You call it institutional success.    » READ MORE

Strategies for Your Success
Enrollment, retention and advancement are going through dramatic changes as the Internet and wireless technologies fundamentally affect the ways in which prospects and students, faculty and alumni connect and relate to your campus community. Strategies that were successful a few years ago may no longer be effective; benchmarks that once provided valuable insight may no longer be valid. Your institution may understand that you need new approaches to ensure ERA success—but do you know whether these new approaches require new technologies? Jenzabar's ERA consulting services can diagnose the effectiveness of the strategies employed by any administrative office on campus, with a particular focus on the efficacy of technology use.    » READ MORE

Client-Tailored Services
Technology represents one of the largest annual expenditures for most institutions of higher education, and many institutions are daunted by the challenge of linking technology investments and expenditures to their institutional mission and goals. Client-tailored services that derive a technology road map from your specific institutional mission and goals can help colleges and universities meet this vital challenge—and reap the maximum benefit from your technology investments.    » READ MORE

"Berry College has partnered with Jenzabar to provide Total Campus Management, allowing Berry to track information on a person from the prospect stage in Admissions all the way through graduation and beyond. Jenzabar has given our end users the ability to truly manage their data and use that information to make better decisions for the institution."
Penny Evans-Plants, Director, Enterprise Systems Support
Berry College

"Jenzabar's portal solution projects the value of using technology to our various constituent groups, enabling constituents to better manage their relationship with the institution, and on their own terms. It also helps Cardinal Stritch University better manage our relationship with each individual constituent in a complementary way, which allows faculty, staff and administrators to focus on what's really important—delivering a higher quality educational experience."
Sue Ingles, Manager of Enterprise Systems
Cardinal Stritch University

Spring Arbor University, located in central Michigan, serves more than 4,000 students on its main campus and in 13 satellite locations across the state. With traditional undergraduate programs, adult studies, graduate programs, and an online presence, the University has seen enrollment rise by 64 percent in recent years. Now the school is focused on providing students with the level of " service" they expect, says Vice President of Technology Services and CIO Reed Sheard, and keeping them on course: "Helping our students to graduate is the goal." A richly engaging Web portal and an integrated, highly-customized ERP system give Spring Arbor the technological edge to help achieve that goal.

To learn more, download our case study, Jenzabar Helps Spring Arbor Students Stay on Course for Graduation

Representing 20 private colleges and universities throughout Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (WAICU) was created more than 40 years ago to promote collaboration among these institutions. In recent years WAICU inaugurated a long-range initiative to address the rising price of higher education -- when the association board, made up of member college presidents, says that "we need to do something about rising costs," explains WAICU President Rolf Wegenke, "we listen." One result: WAICU member schools have discovered the power, efficiency and economy of a collaborative implementation of Jenzabar® solutions.

To learn more, download our case study, WAICU Pioneers Collaborative ERP System Powered by Jenzabar

With more than 120 academic programs, 11,000 students, and 16 buildings spread around Chicago's South Loop, Columbia College Chicago is the largest and most diverse private arts and media college in the nation. As the college continued to grow -- and its transactions became more complex -- storing, tracking, and sharing paper-based documents across the institution grew into a cumbersome and costly process. It became obvious that business processes across the college needed improvement -- beginning with a better way to manage documents.

To learn more, download our case study on Document Management, Workflow & Business Process Improvement at Columbia College Chicago

For more information on Jenzabar, please visit, or call us at 1.877.536.0222