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Thursday, April 17, 2008

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News & Advice
Today's most e-mailed | RSS
Prior day's news:  By date | By column

Beyond the Ivory Tower

How did the lessons of graduate school help an English Ph.D. when he decided to join, and expand, his family's food-distribution business?

First Person

A new administrator in the University of Texas system will help students transfer from two-year colleges ... and other appointment news.

First Person

A Ph.D. who returned to graduate school after working in publishing runs the interview gantlet at academic libraries.

First Person

A devoted blogger confronts his fear that his virtual life is damaging his career prospects in academe.

First Person

Tired of being typecast as an aging adjunct, a job candidate turns to Botox.

Heads Up

In assigning pay raises, a department head can't avoid making judgments about each professor's productivity.

Career Talk

Will you and your partner go on the job market at the same time? Are you willing to live apart? For how long?

The Two-Year Track

Far from being "grim places," two-year colleges have become attractive options for value-conscious students.

The Fund Raiser

A pair of East Coast types hitch up the wagons and head west to do a little prospecting.

On Course

A professor who invited a visiting writer to class envisioned a stimulating dialogue, not awkward silences. What went wrong?

An Academic in America

Despite 10 years of reports and rhetoric, the economic conditions of academic labor are considerably worse.

A President's Third Year

Do you want college and university presidents to speak out or not?

First Person

Three first-year professors tackle the conflicts between their career aspirations and their private lives.

First Person

The conflicts of academic life are not always vicious, but they may well be unavoidable.

First Person

Why it's a mistake for academics to tell their stories using a pseudonym.

First Person

Three professors explain their rationales for writing about academic life under a pseudonym.

Moving Up

If you're a president, perhaps the time to consult a lawyer is before you sign a multiyear contract.

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the CV's of three faculty-job candidates and an administrator seeking to move up.
On Hiring

Stupid Application Tricks
Gene C. Fant Jr. invites readers to share their tricks for making their applications stand out.

Low Faculty Salaries in History, and Other Reading
A department head explains how he assigns raises; why it's impossible to avoid jerks in the workplace; tough times at the University of Louisville; and other news.

Read a special report on how colleges are working to diversify their faculties and staffs.


New Topics

Nail the CV to my office door?

A professor wonders how to deal with dysfunctional colleagues who lie about her publication record.

Teaching summer classes to pay down debt?

A new tenure-track professor considers teaching two summer classes at the possible expense of her research productivity.

Lifestyles of tenure-track professors

How have your finances changed since going on the tenure track?, a poster asks.

Boosting research productivity

Academics with heavy teaching loads share their strategies for maximizing research productivity.

The two-body problem

Talk about the challenges of being a dual-career couple in our new forum.

Dissertators' support thread

Need help overcoming procrastination? Join a virtual support group for dissertation writers.

2008 tenure-track newbies

Starting assistant professors recount their joys and frustrations on the job.

Available Forums

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