Current Version is 0.3.160

[There's a few screenshots on this page, but they're all optimized, so please hold on while they load...]

Screenshot showing a simple 2-channel layout with channel monitor, server list and
user list dockers, auto-hiding Output, Transfers, Message Log and Notice Log windows.

Single channel window (with it's own user list) with auto-hiding serverlist and global user list,
split-docked Transfers, Channel Monitor, Output, Notice and Message logs.

Screenshot showing lots of channels and servers and the channel monitor docked
to the top of the window and auto-hiding dockers at the bottom.

Screenshot showing floating docking windows.

Another way to lay things out...

For those of you who can't take all the features and just want a basic multi-server IRC client...

Here's one showing the prefs window while editing the buddy groups

Here's one showing alternate colors.

» 03/Jan/2003 | Hydra

175382 hits since 2003-01-01 00:00:00

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