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Driving tips

Save up to £120 a year with our smarter driving tips

  • Keep your tyres at the right pressure - underinflated tyres increase your fuel consumption by around 2%
  • Avoid short journeys - cold engines use twice as much fuel as warm engines, and catalytic converters take 6 miles to become effective
  • Speed up and slow down smoothly - avoiding sharp acceleration and heavy braking reduces fuel consumption and CO2 emissions
  • Avoid the air conditioning - it places huge demands on your engine, meaning you.burn much more fuel
  • Change gears at lower revs - to save fuel change up a gear at between 2000 and 2500 rpm
  • Get your car serviced regularly - it'll help it run at optimum efficiency, helping to reduce fuel consumption
  • Empty your boot! - carrying excess loads makes your engine work harder, burning more fuel
  • Share your ride - giving a friend or colleague a lift means one less car on the roads, and someone to talk to on the way!
  • Avoid leaving your engine running to warm up - idle engines use 0.5 litres per hour, the equivalent of 3.5 miles worth of fuel
  • Plan your journeys - combine errands into one sensible trip to avoid unnecessary mileage and save CO2 emissions.

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