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Red routes

Bus on red route The red route is a network of 580km of London's roads, which carry 35 per cent of the city's traffic. Free-flowing traffic on these roads is essential to keep London moving - parking on the red route causes jams and clogs up the system.

Red route parking

Roads on the red route have stopping and parking restrictions in place.

You can identify them by red no-stopping lines and road signs indicating when parking, stopping, loading or unloading is allowed.

We are responsible for traffic enforcement along the route, using a combination of traffic wardens, community support officers and an extensive network of CCTV cameras.

Find out about vehicle removals

Parking on yellow lines

Enforcing the rules of single and double yellow lines in London is the responsibility of each of the 33 boroughs. These lines indicate an area where parking restrictions apply.

Useful advice:

For more information about parking on local borough roads, visit the London Councils website.

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