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Articles about “ChancellorKlein”

First Report Cards for City Schools Released

Today, Mayor Bloomberg and Schools Chancellor Klein released the "first-ever" public school progress reports with letter grades. The reports are meant to give educators and parents a snapshot of how well schools are doing and empower them to keep improving. Mayor Bloomberg said, "With these Progress Reports, parents no longer have to navigate a maze of statistics to determine how their child's school is doing and how it compares to others. And our educators now...

R.I.P., City Hall Academy

Back in March of 2003, Mayor Bloomberg opened up the City Hall Academy at the Tweed Courthouse. The school offered two-weeks "residencies" for students, giving them an "inter-disciplinary approach" to learn about NYC and its history. Mayor...

1.1 Million Students Back in Classrooms

Mayor Bloomberg, Schools Chancellor Klein, City Council Speaker Quinn, and other city and school officials celebrated the first day of school yesterday with an appearance at P.S. 53 in the Bronx. P.S. 53 was selected because it...

City Students to Face Test After Test, Test, Test, Test

If you have kids, we sure hope they like taking tests. Not only do they face regular tests in classes, but the city is set to expand their regimen of periodic tests for the 1.1 million students...

Bush Praises Harlem Charter School

President Bush visited New York City yesterday to encourage Congress to reauthorize his No Child Left Behind program. Bush gave a speech at the Harlem Village Academy school and praised its founder, faculty and students and...

Reading, Writin' and 'Rithmatic - in Arabic

One of the 40 new schools the city is opening in the fall will be the first public school dedicated teaching the Arabic language and culture. The NY Times reports that half of the classes at the...

Problems On The School Bus Go Round and Round

In week 2 of the NYC Department of Education's busted school bus route changes, parents are still complaining and the media is loving it. There's 5 year old Michelle Baum in the Post today, waiting outside in...

New Charter Schools Get The Shaft

Way back when Bloomberg finally killed the Board of Education and replaced it with the Department of Education we had high hopes for our city's schools. Finally, we imagined, the city was in a position to...

Show Goes On for Bronx High School Students

It's an ending fitting for Broadway, except in this case, Broadway is East Tremont Avenue. The students at Lehman High School will be able to perform their high school musical, Chicago, when city officials intervened on...

Bloomberg Proposes New Specialized Schools, Klein Opens District 3 Lottery

Bloomberg, beginning his final election push, yesterday announced the creation of seven new specialized high schools to take the run-off from the 28,000 students who annually apply to attend Stuvesant, Bronx Science and Brooklyn Tech. The well-timed...

Extra, Extra

- Howard Dean and Fernando Ferrer are meeting with subway commuters at 86th Street and Broadway right now - if you have pictures, link us! - John Guica of Brooklyn was found guilty of killing college student...

NYC Schools Seem To Improve

The Mayor and Schools Chancellor Klein were happy to announce that more city schools were coming off the state's failing list. Though seven schools were added, with only 35 schools on the list, it's a new low...

Kids In The School

The first day of school in the NYC public school system brought new notebooks, old friends, some tears, and a bit of confusion to the more than a million public school students. The Mayor and Schools Chancellor...

School's In

Yellow school buses and more kids on the subway tells all of New York that school is back in - much to the relief of some parents who have had to watch their kids for an...

McKinsey: The DOE's Farm System

The Times has an interesting look at how many people under 35 without much experience in the education sector are now employed under Department of Education Chancellor Joel Klein, in a move to introduce new blood and...

Mayor Wants to Make Children Cry

When asked about ending the schools' social promotion plan for third graders, Mayor Bloomberg said, "Yes, they may cry a little bit. But children in the third grade cry a lot, and it's part of the growing-up...

New York City Schools

With news that the New York City Schools Chancellor Joel Klein is letting fired employees re-apply for positions, I'm waiting for The Times, Daily News, Post, or Village Voice to do an in depth analysis of budget...