Telegraph RSS feeds
Thursday 10 April 2008
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Nigella damascena (Love in a mist)
The best flowers to fill the house with colour all year round, by Bunny Guinness.
Elspeth Thompson on the art of growing your own and the beauty of the vegetable plot.
Helen Yemm
Garden tips and advice from our resident gardening expert Helen Yemm. This week: weed wars, worm casts and a slugs and snails update.
Tulipa 'Recreado'
Val Bourne on growing a late-flowering stunner of a tulip.
Arabella Lennox-Boyd chooses flowers
Arabella Lennox-Boyd chooses flowers for Chelsea 2008.
Even a tiny balcony can become a productive plot, writes Marianne Kavanagh.
Graham Rice speaks to the legend that is Joy Larkcom.
Get helpful gardening hints and tips from the RHS.
Alex Mitchell on eating from the garden. This week: kale.
Jean Vernon tests the best products for green gardeners.
Matthew Wilson on learning to love your bugs.
Your guide to the week's garden events, up and down the country.
in association with Miracle Gro Organic Choice