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Registering for the scheme is a two stage process:

To complete your application you need to read and accept a copy of our Terms and Conditions, available on the extranet, and then print a copy to sign. The extranet also contains the Direct Debit mandate, which you should also print and sign. Post both these forms to the address displayed on them, together with:

You then need to add your fleet vehicles to your fleet account.

Once we have received your signed Terms and Conditions, Direct Debit form and headed paper/Certificate of Incorporation, we will validate the account.

Business and Fleet Registration Guide (PDF 535KB)

Once your first payment has been drawn by Direct Debit the account will be confirmed as fully open. The first payment will include registration fees and a pre-payment based on your estimated vehicle usage.

If you are unable to complete the online registration process you can download an Automated Scheme registration form (PDF 60KB).

Account activation

You will be advised in writing of your account activation date. Up until this date you must pay the Congestion Charge as normal for any vehicle entering the zone.

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