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KNBR 680 Morning Show with Brian Murphy and Paul McCaffrey Gary Radnich Fitz & Brooks Razor & Mr. T Damon Bruce bar Sporting News Radio Jim Rome JT The Brick

E-mail Jim:

Hey NoCal! Tired of boring sports radio talk shows? Sick of hosts unwilling to criticize owners and players for fear of losing their jobs? Ready to strangle inept callers, who are only calling the show so that their equally pathetic friends can hear them on the radio?

Put down your sledgehammer and spare your radio...The Jungle is here. Jim Rome, host of The Jungle, has flipped the tables on the establishment of sports talk radio. Finally, there's a show that is as entertaining as it is informative, as incisive as it is thoughtful, as confrontational as it is topical. Participate by phone or by fax, but above all, “If you have a take, don’t suck!” Otherwise, the host and jungle dwellers alike will rip you limb from limb until you lose your job and your wife, and your children are ridiculed at school for being the children of "that brain dead Greg in Irvine." The show also features a daily fax contest where listeners can fax in their takes on sports.

Listen for two weeks and get the hang of what they do. Rome is just as happy to publicly humiliate O.J. and Warren Moon, as he is to discuss tournament results and Final Four seedings. But show participation is not for everybody - an IQ higher than today's temperature in SoCal is encouraged. All are encouraged to listen; however, if after two weeks, you still don't like what you hear, crawl back under that rock and leave real life to the rest of us!


Call during the Show: 1- 800-636-8686

E-mail The Jungle:

Visit the official website:
Jim Rome is burning!