Legal & Copywright Issues

Historical detail and photographs contained on this web site have been accumulated over the years and have been obtained from a number of sources. The vast majority of our photographs have been made available from ex RCAF and USAF personnel. The historical reports and a significant number of photographs have been obtained from official sources such as the National Archives of Canada and the USAF Historical Division in Alabama.

It is not our intention to violate anyone's copyright by posting these pictures or articles. We have made every attempt to make sure that all of the sources are thoroughly referenced and, where necessary, the appropriate permissions have been obtained. Nevertheless, it is always possible that we may have inadvertently slipped up and left something important out. If you do find something here that treads on your copyright or which has not been properly credited, let us know and we will immediately remove such material or make sure that proper permissions are been obtained.

All of the articles, interviews, pictures and content are the property of the RCAF Air Traffic Control web site. Users may view and download material from this site only for personal, non-commercial home use. We do not have the authority to approve the reuse of any material found on this web site. You will need to obtain written permission from the source to reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, distribute or publicly display material from this website.

We do maintain an online database - and in the event that you wish to make use of any item - then we suggest that you check the database and obtain an email address for the source, communicate with them via email, and obtain your official approval for use of material in this manner. While on the subject of the database - we can not guarantee that existing email addresses are current - as it is not unusual for people to change their email address - and forget to advise us of the change.

We would like to thank you for your time and we hope you enjoy browsing through our web site.

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Updated: November 6, 2004