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Articles about “dashiellhammett”

Video: NY Times Thief Caught Pinching Papers From UES Doorsteps

When liberating a lonely issue of the New York Times from the doorstep of a neglectful subscriber, it's best for your conscience and your target if they are affluent. But steal too often and their missing paper...

Watch Out for the Stuy Town Spy

When you shell out $5.4 billion for thousands of apartments in Manhattan, some of them rent-regulated, clearly the next course of action is to oot out the illegal subletters. The NY Sun reports that private detective Fred...

NJ Gov's Pal In Hooker Scandal

NY Councilman Alan Jennings gets a little bit of a respite as political scandal mongers are LOVING the news that one of NJ Governor James McGreevey's biggest donors hired a prostitute to thwart a witness in the...

La vie, c'est noir

The Robert Blake trial is tawdry but it is more fascinating when you take a look at the transcripts of a conversation he had with Bonnie Blakely, after she told him she wanted to keep the...