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Home : Skeptical Briefs newsletter : June 1996

A Skeptic's Notebook

Scientific Remote Viewing

Robert A. Baker
Scientific historians of the next century will no doubt regard January 1996 as the period of the greatest scientific breakthrough in all of human history. It was in this month that two of mankind's greatest scientific accomplishments of all time were announced: the conquest of space and the conquest of time! What is even more remarkable is that these mind-boggling discoveries were made by two relatively unknown individuals with doctorate degrees, but who chanced upon perhaps the greatest scientific discovery of all time -- scientific remote viewing! Using scientific remote viewing (SRV) to conquer space was the discovery of one Courtney Brown, Ph.D., a political science professor at Emory University. In January 1996 Dr. Brown released to an astounded world his incredible book bearing the title Cosmic Voyages: A Scientific Discovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting Earth (Dutton, The Penguin Group, New York, 1996.) Dr. Brown's book describes, in detail, the history of "two alien worlds that died, and how the civilization of each survived beyond its homeworld's death to arrive here, on Earth Indeed, it is from these other two races that humans will learn much regarding how others have survived on planets of dust." We quickly learn that the two races Dr. Brown is referring to are the Martians and the little Greys and that Cosmic Voyage is a detailed examination of two societies of "known intelligent extraterrestrial life." Brown's book is, moreover, "the result of years of work observing alien cultures whose activities here on Earth have been very pronounced." Exactly how many years Dr. Brown has spent observing these alien cultures we are not told. Nor are we told why Dr. Brown has waited so long to make his discovery of ETs known. Think of the millions of dollars that NASA and the other scientists who have searched in vain for ET intelligence could have saved! Think of the thousands of hours of fruitless labor Brown's discoveries could have forestalled.

We must not nitpick, however. Dr. Brown informs us that the farthest reaches of the universe are now open to us and can be reached in short order using his rigorous and exacting remote-viewing protocols developed by the US military for espionage purposes. Although these methods are new, they are "valid and exceptionally reliable research instruments, regardless of whether many other scientists yet accept them or are familiar with them" (p. 2). That takes care of that! Brown goes on to inform us that: 1) there is extraterrestrial life, lots of it; 2) this is not a book of speculation about ET life but a volume of results; 3) there is always a study that is the first of its kind and this is such a study; 4) widespread acceptance of his methods will come and we need not be ashamed of using these methods now; 5) his methods are as rigorously controlled as those in any other social science study, although the methods are not the same; 6) he is able to replicate his results, in other words, he can do his SRV over and over and go back where he was before; 7) a wide array of psi phenomena exists; 8) remote viewing -- the ability to accurately perceive information at great distances across space and time no -- longer needs to depend upon a few gifted individuals because now we know that SRV can be taught and learned, and the reliability of trained individuals is "generally much greater than that of the best natural psychics" (p. 4).

Brown next informs us that he discovered SRV after making contact with several of the Pentagon's ex-psychic warriors who successfully spied on the Kremlin during the Cold War. Brown became interested after these warriors turned their attention to the enigma of UFOs and ETs visiting Earth. Brown then quickly learned how to use SRV to investigate the ancient Martian civilization that flourished on Mars at the time dinosaurs roamed the earth. Next he learned how to use SRV to study the little Greys and to visit them on their home world. Once Brown mastered the technique, wonder after wonder began to unfold. Things got so wonderful, in fact, that Brown had to stop and insure his readers that "what I discovered in the process of my research was more unexpected than the plot of any science-fiction novel. I never could have dreamed up a story more amazing than the reality that I have perceived" (p. 6).

As the reader turns the pages what strikes the eye is, indeed, amazing. Following a brief history of the U.S. Military Psychic Warfare Program, we are informed about the work of Robert Jahn and Harold Puthoff and Robert Monroe and Ingo Swann and how important meditation and the work of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is in teaching one to use SRV. After learning how one uses the mind and imagination to sail off into the wild blue yonder and how to master the seven stages of SRV protocols and the six different types of remote-viewing data, we are then introduced to the UFO literature as provided us by those good doctors -- Dr. John E. Mack and Dr. David Jacobs -- who tell Brown about the reality of the little Greys and send him forth to pursue them to their own planet. After a brief excursion to the Transcendental Meditation-Sidhi program and the Monroe Institute, Brown takes us on a journey through Akasha -- the home of that fount of universal knowledge, the Akashic Record.

Brown is now ready to get down to business and he does. He next takes us to Mars. Then we visit a UFO-abduction and follow this with conversations with the present-day Martians who have survived and discuss Martian civilization with them. Brown now has us visit subspace, where all SRV occur, and introduces us to the subspace helpers as well as other members of the Galactic Federation. We then visit the home of the Greys and learn along the way that, believe it or not, the ETs helped write many of the Star Trek episodes, which are previews of what we will become in the future. A little further along the way we meet Jesus, God, and Guru Dev and study Earth's future environment. Following a delightful conversation with Buddha and a study of the Martian culture now present here on Earth, Brown urges us to make official diplomatic contact with the Martians but not before we launch an all-out program to carefully train our human diplomats so that they can bring about the desired results with the Martians, the Greys, and other members of the Galactic Federation. Brown closes his astounding, incredible, and scientifically amazing book by informing us that there is already a Martian underground base in New Mexico and that we should use it as a "processing center" to receive the waves of Martian citizens that will be coming after the president contacts the Martians and begins negotiations. In Brown's words, "I suggest that the president of the United States authorize (with United Nations sanction) the transmission to Mars of an invitation to begin direct talks between Earth-based humans and the chosen representatives of the Martians. The transmission would indicate that humans are warmly receptive of the idea of working with the Martians with regard to issues of mutual concern" (p. 260). As for the Greys, Brown feels they are not yet ready to work physically with large numbers of humans on an equal level. Nevertheless human diplomats should start working with them, using SRV in subspace, and win them over. Brown thinks we should even help them with their UFO-abduction genetic project. Brown is also convinced that neither the Martians nor the Greys will do anything to further communication with us. "They are waiting for us to act first Let us speak, finally, to those who have waited so long and patiently for us, out there." Readers who would like to communicate with Dr. Brown can do so by writing him at The Farsight Institute, P.O. Box 49243, Atlanta, GA 30359.

As for the conquest of time, this marvelous accomplishment has also been made with SRV, and exact procedures for doing so are set forth in a lovely book with the intriguing title Future Memory: How Those Who "See the Future" Shed New Light on the Workings of the Human Mind. The book is authored by Phyllis M.H. Atwater, L.H.D. (Doctor of Humanities) and published by Birchlane Press (Carol Pub. Group, New York, 1996). According to Atwater many people "are able to live life in advance of its physical manifestations and remember in detail of having done so when something triggers that memory." As a child Atwater suffered from synesthesia -- hearing colors and seeing sound -- and has had at least six near-death experiences thus far. She also believes that we humans invent reality as much as we discover it and that reality is loose and flexible and occasionally "shifts." We call these shifts coincidences. All such things as prophesying, forecasting, precognition, clairvoyance, and clairaudience are models and proof of our futuristic awareness. Moreover, we all have future memories and Atwater interviewed over 200 people who gave her examples of seeing ahead. Everyone having dj vu experiences, for example, can attest to "seeing ahead."

The best way to travel in time, however, is to learn the sure-fire future memory technique of "Remote Viewing." Atwater learned it from an electronics design expert, James Van Avery, at the International Conference on Paranormal Research a year or so ago. Van Avery believes all of us can live the future in advance "by merely deciding to, then practice and practice and hone the skill until it becomes natural to us." Van Avery says that once, as a child, he knew every turn of the roulette wheel in advance and that he then finally developed his present jim-dandy procedure for "remembering the future." Jim and Atwater provide the reader with a detailed how-to-do-it, step-by-step procedure in the book and it is, indeed, very simple and something everyone can learn. Boiled down to its essentials it consists of quietly closing your eyes and concentrating on what things will look like in a few minutes; checking a few minutes later, closing your eyes, and imagining again; and gradually going further and further into the future, concentrating on specific details until you can describe the future precisely. While persistent practice is mandatory, the absolute essential ingredient, Atwater tells us, is the matter of belief. "You must," Atwater says, "make a drastic change in your belief system that what you're doing is real and that Future Memory is possible and can be controlled." Most important of all, we are told, "Beliefs do not rely on logic for justification. Once you accept that Future Memory is possible and you can do it, something wonderful will happen. Being conscious of future events will seem almost as easy as remembering what you ate for lunch yesterday. You will actually wonder why visualizing future events was so difficult" (pp. 49-50). Atwater also tells us not to let wrong results discourage us but to use them as means of learning how to improve.

If any of you skeptics are considering taking up remote viewing and, thereby, conquering both space and time, we advise you to do it quickly; otherwise you are likely to be crushed in the mad dash of millions of gamblers and horse players and stock brokers beating new paths to the doors of Brown and Atwater. And you must also take into consideration all those millions of Martians and Greys camped out in front of Brown's and Atwater's doors asking for a handout. As for self-deception, we can confidently conclude that on planet Earth today, it is alive and well and flourishing nicely among those with advanced degrees.

About the Author

Robert Baker is emeritus professor of psychology University of Kentucky.

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