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Mississippi: Sun and adventure on West Ship Island updated 3 hours, 21 minutes ago
It's like something out of a movie: A boat filled with tourists -- drinking and happy, delighted with the exploits of the passing dolphins -- washes up to a rugged island whose exotic name conjures the mystique surrounding this place.
Survivalists get ready for meltdown updated Sun, April 20, 2008
Derek is compiling a survival guide on how to cope after the total collapse of society. It is, as you can imagine, a big job.
Russian oil production drops updated Tue, April 15, 2008
Russian oil production has dropped this year for the first time in a decade.
In defense of an unbalanced life updated Tue, April 15, 2008
It's five o'clock in the morning. I've been awake for about 23 hours, having struggled vainly to fit in writing between yesterday's tasks: getting the car fixed, taking the dog to the vet, answering e-mail, going grocery shopping, driving my kids to music lessons, seeing clients, picking up deli sandwiches for dinner and cuddling a 12-year-old thro...
Commentary: Church walks the walk of King's message updated Mon, April 14, 2008
"Bishop Jakes has always been a strong supporter of my father, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and the King family. Bishop Jakes, along with many other ministries of his ilk, all continue to convey the dream and the message of my father in the services they provide to oppressed people around the world. Some may say that the ministers of today have diff...
Music and food flourish at Jazz Fest updated Mon, April 14, 2008
It's that time of year when New Orleans slathers up and chills out.
How to put off filing your taxes updated Fri, April 11, 2008
Tax filing day is just around the corner, but some Americans may not be ready to submit their returns by April 15. Others may not have the cash to pay the tax they owe.
FCC approves emergency alert text-messaging system updated Wed, April 9, 2008
Cell phone users will get text message alerts of emergencies under a new nationwide alert system approved late Wednesday by the Federal Communications Commission, according to FCC spokesman Robert Kenny.
Chertoff wants early warning system for infrastructure attacks updated Wed, April 9, 2008
Federal cybersecurity officials are trying to develop an early warning system that alerts authorities to incoming computer attacks targeting critical U.S. infrastructure, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said.
Taking the kids: Volunteering in New Orleans updated Tue, April 8, 2008
Izzie Alley, 11, looked around cautiously as she stepped inside the small New Orleans garage that has been temporarily converted into a studio apartment for the Strauss family.
WEB RESULTS 1-5 of 9,305,594
NOAA Home Page - NOAA Hurricanes Portal
Includes background information, a list of retired hurricane names, satellite imagery, tracking models, and more. From the National Oceanic and Atmospheric ...
NOAA Hurricane Preparedness Week
Learn about the many forms of hurricane hazards: storm surge, high winds, tornadoes, and flooding. Teaching people how to save lives at work, home, while on the ...
Includes basic information on tropical storms as well as resources on hurricane preparation, definitions, history, and forecasting.
Hurricanes: online meteorology guide
Introduction to hurricanes and their associated features, where they develop, and under what conditions. From the University of Illinois.
FEMA: Hurricanes
Hurricane safety instructions from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

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