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  • Print readers weigh in on Microsoft's Yahoo bid

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  • Microsoft offers $44.6 billion for Yahoo
  • CNN users concerned deal would create monopoly
  • Some say merger would spark innovation for Yahoo and Google
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(CNN) -- News that Microsoft was making a $44.6 billion bid to buy Yahoo was greeted with skepticism by many users on Friday.

Microsoft is offering to buy struggling Internet search pioneer Yahoo.

The word "monopoly" came up repeatedly in e-mails from people concerned that Microsoft would stifle competition in the Internet search field.

Other readers said that Microsoft and Yahoo were a perfect fit and the deal would be good for consumers.

Shaun Carney said the deal would even help arch-rival Google.

"I think the increased competition this merger brings will force Google to stay on top of its game by offering more innovative Internet tools and expanding on the tools it already offers," he said. Video Watch why Microsoft wants Yahoo! »

Here are a sampling of responses from users:

Diane Burke of Weeksbury, Kentucky
I think it would definitely be an interesting combination. Everyone recognizes the names Yahoo and Microsoft, but everyone also says, "Did you Google it?" Such a catchphrase is going to be hard to beat.

Brian Kaldenberg of St. Louis, Missouri
Google has positioned itself as the world's knowledge source. I highly doubt Microsoft acquiring Yahoo will have a detrimental effect on Google's market share. "Google" is now often used as a verb... a brand manager's dream... a competitor's nightmare.

  • Scott G. of Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey
    I was a Yahoo user for years along with Hotmail from Microsoft. Then Google came along.....Google Earth, Google Picasa, Google Toolbar and Gmail. Google is so innovative with everything they do. Yahoo and Microsoft....same old story.....Yahoo with the same offerings as always and Microsoft..well, just being Microsoft. I don't think the merger will do anything for either company except improve the Yahoo shareholders' bank accounts.
  • Michael Grosser of Estero, Florida
    Right now, Yahoo offers a lot of features and tools at no cost for all different levels of Internet users. They even offer source code for developers for free. Microsoft seeks nothing but profit. Undoubtedly, they'll do nothing other than find ways to start gouging for Yahoo's formerly non-priced features. Microsoft's corporate greed will ruin the great thing that Yahoo currently is.

    Shaun Carney of Laurelville, Ohio
    I think the merger will provide more competition for Google. I don't think the merger will allow Microsoft to outpace Google, though. Google has a tremendous foothold on its market -- I think the increased competition this merger brings will force Google to stay on top of its game by offering more innovative Internet tools and expanding on the tools it already offers.

    Toni Suarez of Hacienda Heights, California
    Perhaps it would bring better high technology innovations to e-mail and help in researching and developing a better Internet!

    Rick R. of Edgewater, Florida
    Sounds like a monopoly try to me. If the merger goes through, I'll drop my Yahoo account and sign up for Google.

    Mark Galeassi of Kansas City, Missouri
    This is the best move for both parties. Yahoo has the ideas and Microsoft has the money to finally market these ideas correctly. Let's just hope Yahoo jumps at the best thing to ever come its way.

    Chris S. of Ankeny, Iowa
    I use because it is not filled full of news, stock, and other garbage. I can customize Google if I want, but I leave it clean. It will never be touched by the design whizzes at Microsoft or Yahoo. Bring back simple and you will win. If you keep up the greediness to add money, than you will lose.

    Luke Gregg of Austin, Texas
    If this was to happen, I would stop using my Yahoo e-mail account because I don't like the feeling of Microsoft snooping in my business. It is creepy to think about, I am a Mac user specifically because I will never trust Microsoft after its monopoly in the '90s.

    Antonio Simmons of Parkville, Maryland
    Microsoft purchasing Yahoo would be nothing more than an attempt from Microsoft to further impose upon the masses their shoddy software and obtain more wealth for the company. In my honest opinion, they will never be able to compete with Google because Yahoo and Microsoft's current search engine are too inferior to compete. Even if combined, they still lack. Microsoft needs to accept its place as a OS maker "Even though they still lag at that as well" and Yahoo needs to keep its place as a good e-mail provider.

    Seth Goldberg of Plainview, New York
    I view the merger as a necessary element in preventing a monopolistic and unrivaled growth on the part of Google. Yahoo's management has been incapable of creating an effective business model to insure the company a healthy existence founded upon continued innovation and growth. I am confident that the addition of Microsoft's R&D and marketing prowess will be pivotal in creating the necessary sustainable innovation and growth that Yahoo must incorporate into their corporate DNA to protect consumers against what seems to be Google's unrivaled appetite for global domination of Internet-based search platforms and wireless related services.

    Randy Mc, Carlsbad, California
    I personally hate Microsoft, from great minds comes mediocre software! I would not use Yahoo anymore for anything if they sell to Microsoft.

    Corey Davis of Morton, Illinois
    Microsoft is already seen by many as "too large" a company, or one that still has something of a monopoly in the computer industry. Not so much in the Internet search business, but when you think of Microsoft that isn't the first thing that comes to mind. The merging of Yahoo and Microsoft would probably create quite a bit of resentment.


    Stuart Hellinger of New York
    I think it is horrible. Microsoft has bloated software, lousy customer service and gives the impression that it does not care about the end users. I try to avoid them as much as possible. They will probably destroy Yahoo, which has one of the larger job search portals in HotJobs! Feh! Microsoft wants to be a monopoly. They should have been broken up by the government.

    Chris Cunningham of Alexandria, Virginia
    I don't think Microsoft or Yahoo could take on Google. Google does things right by paying heed to the old adage "Less is more." Google's site is easy to use and there is no clutter. Microsoft and Yahoo both like to have flood of links and information on their pages, but I think that is their main weakness. Users running searches on MSN or Yahoo get many useless results, and it becomes cumbersome waiting for all the fancy graphics and java to load. If they do merge, the two companies should focus on maintaining all of the popular features they both offer, but streamline their Web site as much as possible. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Yahoo! Inc.Google Inc.Microsoft CorporationInternet

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