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I-Reporters look for honesty, accuracy in debate responses

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  • At the CNN/YouTube debate, Republican candidates respond to citizens' questions
  • I-Reporters send video and email response of their own post debate analysis
  • Responses critique candidates' honesty and accuracy
  • I-Report: Be the political analyst; send your video, email responses
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(CNN) -- Republican presidential candidates traded plenty of jabs during Wednesday night's CNN/YouTube debate. viewers analyzed their answers for substance and truth and pointed out where candidates gave stellar responses or left their audience asking more questions. Below is a collection of their responses, some of which have been edited for length and clarity.


Paul Schlimme, pictured here with Ron Paul on November 10, likes the format of the CNN-YouTube debates.

Nancy Kolger of Richmond, Indiana
I am a 67-year-old widow. I am clearly disappointed about the questions chosen tonight for the candidates to answer. As a senior citizen I am really disappointed that not one question was asked about health care and rising drug costs for all the people. I can send you an e-mail response and/or question but I do not know how to take or send a video or download and all that other stuff that younger people do. So therefore I was not given the chance to ask a question and I feel this is a form of discrimination or else lack of CNN taking the time to scan through e-mails as they have obviously done with videos. Next time I hope you will consider the fact that a lot of the citizens/voters of this country do not know how to use all this modern stuff and it would be nice if you just had a senior citizen debate with the candidates; and I bet some really good questions besides, wars, gun control, immigration, abortion, gays, etc, would come forth. Like health care, drug expenses, gas prices, feeding, clothing, and housing the elderly, more American jobs, etc. Thank you!

Anonymous from Washington
I am a lieutenant in the U.S. Army. I served as a platoon leader, and am now working at the battalion level and am about to make the rank of captain. I ask that you not use my name because I am active duty. In response to the candidates' remarks on gays in the military, not a single one will get my vote. Sen. McCain said he has talked to the leaders in the Army, the generals. These are not the people to talk to on this issue; the people to talk to are the lieutenants, the captains and the sergeants. They are the ones who serve with these soldiers. They are the ones who see how these soldiers serve. Openly gay soldiers should not be discriminated against. They do not damage morale; they do not damage the ability of a unit to fight. Years ago, the ability of women to fight was questioned, yet now we are in a war where there is no battle line, everywhere is the front line. I've lost friends both on the FOB and outside, both men AND women.

Margaret Giles of Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Although the debate has covered a lot of hot topics such as Iraq, gay marriage, immigration, abortion and such, I was a bit disappointed to see that NOT person or candidate even brought up stem cell research. Is this not as big a deal as putting a man on Mars or fixing highway infrastructures!? I think they could have covered more important topics like stem cell research than "Do you believe every single word of the Bible?"

Dennis Wolcott of Vermilion, Ohio
Why do we focus on abortion, religion and gun rights when theses issues are debated every 4 years and never seem to change. In truth, these issues are polarizing talking points that eat at people emotionally. Please discuss real issues that matter to all of us: Fair trade, paying down debt, trade deficits, mortgage credit crunch, etc. Maybe someone could explain why NAFTA does not seem to be working or why our children are now being taught to pass an achievement test instead of fundamentals.

Stephen Farley of San Francisco, California
The bravery of the brigadeer general in the audience was the highlight of the evening.

Mike Lamprecht of New York, New York
Whatever happened to separation of church and state? I don't think our candidates should be asked if they believe in the bible. Religious views are private personal beliefs and should remain private. Isn't that the basis of this country's creation?

Robert Semands of Edmond, Oklahoma
This is the best debate so far. I have enjoyed the in-your-face energy from all the candidates. The moderator, while doing a generally good job, has really short-changed Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter. Ron Paul is the only candidate on that stage that understands the Constitution and adequately represents it. We all needed to hear much more from him.

Muriel Sims of Fort Worth, Texas
No he [Mitt Romney] didn't invoke the name of Bill Cosby!

People living in the "inner city" (code for Black communities) are no less moral than anyone else. But men have a very hard time staying if they cannot work.

My stepfather was in my life, but he worked all his life too. What man wants to sit around feeling helpless while his child cries in hunger? Why do you think the "inner city" father is any less sympathetic than the people who can afford to employ illegal aliens in his home?

Frank Richmond of Wichita, Kansas
I'm amazed to hear all these well-fed people who have never felt any pain talking about what is or isn't torture. If you kicked in any of these candidates' doors, dragged them out of bed naked, threw them in a cell for a few days, then tied them upside down to a board with a wet towel around their head and started hosing them down, they would think it was torture.

They might think it's necessary on occasion, but at least be man enough to call it what it is.

Mary Tarkington of Wilsonville, Oregon
"Do you believe what the bible says?" PLEEEASE! These people are running for president, not Pope!

Mike G. of Chicago, Illinois
This debate proves nothing more than the GOP is the God-centric party. Not everyone believes that the USA should be as religiously focused as it is. After hearing the candidates, I feel they cannot relate to my religious views, which are different than theirs.

Jeff Stevens of Peekskill, New York
As a member of the U.S. Army, it greatly offends me to hear John McCain say things like "Our troops want to finish the job." I have never in my few years as a young Soldier in both an active duty and reserve component heard anyone say such things. It is a soldier's job to be neutral and fulfill the duties that the American people task us with. I think it is wrong to fool the American people into thinking that soldiers actually enjoy the brutal environment in Iraq and wish to stay there.

Bobby Schechinger of La Vista, Nebraska
During the immigration debate I felt that nobody really hit the true points of dealing with illegal immigrants. It was turning into a fistfight with words and bashing their opponents ideas and saying "he's an idiot, don't vote for him!"


Sarah Soltesz of Palm Harbor, Florida
When Romney replied to Giuliani about the illegal immigrants that he has employed at his mansion, he responded with "do I ask people who have an accent to see their green card?". I would have replied that if he was employing them legally he would have to gather that information it states clearly on an application are you a legal US citizen? Can you show the correct paper (green card) that you are legally able to work in the US? As an employer you have the right to ask this of your employee.

Tim Lamb of Waynesville, Ohio
This is a stupid format. What is next? Dancing with the Presidential Candidates!! The Great Presidential Race!! Presidential Idol!! Give me a break. How about a serious format? E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

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