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Monday 3 March 2008 Winner, Best Consumer Online Publisher, AOP Awards
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Return of the perm: 80s fashion is in

By Duncan Hooper and agencies
Last Updated: 2:25am GMT 03/03/2008

Eighties-style perms and electric blue make-up are returning to popularity on the high street.

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  • Sales of do-it-yourself permanent wave kits have climbed 50 per cent in the past year, according to Superdrug.

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    The chain sold more of the kits in the past week than it did during all of February 2006.

    The 80s revival has also prompted an upturn in sales of electric blue mascara with sales of the vibrant eye make-up in February across all brands up from a year ago.

    Hair crimpers also seem to be coming back into fashion and are expected to grow even more popular this summer, the chain said.

    Superdrug director of toiletries Peter Newbould said fans of the 80s look were generally shoppers who could not remember much about the decade.


    "Scarily the people buying into the 1980s now probably were born in the 1980s," he said.

    The revival of Eighties make-up follows fashion influenced by the decade appearing on catwalks in designer shows, Superdrug said.

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