よみうり入試必勝講座 WITH河合塾

出題形式 国公立大二次型
解答想定時間 25分


次の文章は,2007年12月8日のTHE DAILY YOMIURI に掲載された“Arresting ID idea has pros, cons”という見出しの記事である。これを読んで,以下の設問に答えよ。

 In an effort to boost public safety, an increasing number of prefectural police headquarters have instructed their officers to carry their *police credentials while they are off-duty. The *Metropolitan Police Department and Kanagawa prefectural police claim they have achieved (1)some positive results with the scheme. However, (2)other prefectural police forces are sticking to the tradition of having their officers leave their police credentials in the office, for fear they might get lost if carried while they are off-duty.
 According to the *National Public Safety Commission's rules, police officers must "carry police credentials at all times." However, the rules also say "except in a case when the head of a prefectural police force instructs ( 3 )." Prefectural police forces nationwide drew up rules instructing officers to leave their credentials in the office―in a secured desk or locker―whenever they clocked off.
 However, when crime reached a record high in 2002, the Metropolitan Police Department and Ibaraki prefectural police introduced a policy that instructed officers to carry their credentials while they are off-duty. "We wanted to stop public safety deteriorating by increasing the opportunities for off-duty officers to question (4)suspects," a prefectural police official said. Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba prefectural police forces also adopted similar policies between 2005 and 2006. Off-duty officers from Kanagawa prefectural police dealt with 12 crimes, such as theft, in 2006. While returning home in October, an officer from the prefecture's Odawara Police Station detained a man who stole an electronic notebook from a passenger's bag on a train. When initially quizzed by the officer the man denied the allegation, but when he saw the officer's police ID he confessed to the crime. An off-duty officer from the Metropolitan Police Department also *apprehended a man for alleged possession of a stimulant drug in July. "Carrying my credentials keeps me *primed to carry out my duties as a police officer at any time," an officer said. This month, the Hyogo prefectural police became the latest force to adopt the idea.
 Meanwhile, other prefectural police forces are reluctant to allow officers to carry their credentials at all times. "If police credentials fall into criminal hands, it might have serious consequences. It's really risky," a senior official of a prefectural police force said. Since the introduction of the practice, Kanagawa and Saitama prefectural police have recorded six and three cases of lost credentials respectively. The Metropolitan Police Department reported about ten cases of police *accreditation going astray in 2006. If police IDs are lost due to negligence―while under the influence of alcohol, for example―an officer is subject to a reprimand. According to the *National Police Agency, nine officers were disciplined in this way during from 2004 to 2006.
 Police headquarters nationwide are torn between the traditional practice and the lure of the new method. A senior officer of a police force that introduced the recent practice said (5)there was persistent opposition to the move in his office. "Many officers oppose the scheme, saying, 'We can't really relax on our days off [if we carry our credentials],'" he said.
 "The matter is entirely at the discretion of police headquarters," a National Police Agency official said.

(注) police credential:警察手帳
    Metropolitan Police Department:警視庁
    National Public Safety Commission:国家公安委員会
    primed to do:…する準備をしていて
    National Police Agency:警察庁

問1 下線部(1)some positive resultsの具体例として,本文中で述べられている事柄を一つ日本文で書け。
問2 下線部(2)を和訳せよ。
問3 空所( 3 )に入れるのに最も適切なものを,次の(ア)〜(エ)の中から1つ選び,その記号を書け。
(ア) alike
(イ) altogether
(ウ) originally
(エ) otherwise
問4 次の(ア)〜(エ)の文中の下線を引いた語のアクセント(強勢)の位置が,下線部(4)の語と異なるものを1つ選び,その記号を書け。
(ア) His remark was an insult to the members present at the meeting.

His terrible conduct yesterday deserves punishment.


I object to the plan, because it is impossible to carry out.

(エ) The country's economy depends on import.
問5 下線部(5)の理由を30字程度の日本語で述べよ。
問6 本文の内容に合うように,下の英文の( a )〜( d )に入る適切な数字を書け。( a はアラビア数字で,b〜dは英語で書くこと。)
 In the year ( a ), the Metropolitan Police Department instructed their officers to carry their police credentials on their days off. In the same year the Ibaraki prefectural police introduced the same policy, too. Several years later, Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba prefectural police forces adopted similar policies. In 2006, ( b ) crimes were dealt with by off-duty officers from Kanagawa prefectural police. On the other hand, other prefectural police hesitate to adopt the policy because it carries the risk of police credentials being lost. In fact, the total number of cases of lost credentials that have been reported by Kanagawa and Saitama prefectural police since the practice was introduced is ( c ), and the National Police Agency reports that ( d ) officers were punished for their credentials going missing between 2004 and 2006.
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