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"The Wild Boy of the Digital World"
January 7 @ 8:30PM
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Digimon Tamers Character Bios
Henry is probably the smartest and calmest of the group. Henry doesn't think of Digimon as fighting tools as Rika does early on in the season but he thinks of them as nice, loving friends.

Henry didn't create his Digimon, Terriermon, like Takato did with Guilmon. He recieved a Digimon battle computer game from his dad, and when he played it, he felt that the Digimon were actually in pain and had feelings. Terriermon was one of his Digimon on the games. One day he found a blue card and slashed it through his card reader, that was attached to his CPU, and it turned into a D-Power. When Henry showed that he cared about the Terriermon in the game, Terriermon actually materialized in his room! Terriermon's attacks are Bunny Blast and Terrier Tornado. Terriermon digivolves into Gargomon whose attacks are Gargo Laser and Bunny Pummel. His Ultimate is Rapidmon and his attacks are Tri Beam, Miracle Missle, and Rapid Fire. Terriermon's Mega is MegaGargomon, which is a real good fighter, even though he looks a like a big heap of metal. His attacks are Power Pummel and Gargo Missles.

You don't see Henry play the card game very much but he most likely does. Henry doesn't fully approve of fighting but he does because he usually has no choice.

Henry and Takato become pretty close. Terriermon usually follows Henry wherever he goes but he hates it when Suzie, Henry's sister, tortures him. Terriermon's catch phrase is "Momentai" which means "take it easy." Henry and Terriermon are a terrific duo and is definitely one of our favorites!
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