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"The Wild Boy of the Digital World"
January 7 @ 8:30PM
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Runaway Locomon Movie

Japan Release: March 2, 2002
English Release: October 2, 2005
Length - 29 minutes

Screenshots | Movie Review

A few months after the epic events of Digimon Tamers, the kids are planning to throw a party for Rika for her upcoming birthday. A rift opens between the Digital World and the real world. The unexpected appearance of an unstopable train Digimon speeding through the city puts the Tamer's plans on hold.

Growlmon intercepts the speeding locomotive, unsuccessfully trying to stop it. With Hypnos helping control the railways, Rika, Takato, and Renamon board Locomon while the others are just recieving word of the disturbance. They try to stop Locomon, but nothing seems to work!

After Rika's attempts to destroy Locomon's furnace, she begins to attack Takato. It is revealed that Parasimon, a malicious parasite Digimon, has taken control of Rika. Able to tap into her thoughts, Parasimon uses the memories of her father to weaker and control her. Parasimon is also the one who has taken control of Locomon.

Guilmon is able to free Rika from Parasimon by cutting the tentacles that were connecting Parasimon to her. Still controlling Locomon, Parasimon is able to Digivolve Locomon into GrandLocomon. Takato and Guilmon Biomerge into Gallantmon, killing Parasimon. Before he is able to fully disappear, Parasimon sends a distress signal through the rift that brings hundreds of smaller Parasimon to Earth! The other Tamers Biomerge and begin to exterminate each and every one of the little creatures. They are heavly out-numbered and not doing well at all, even with Justimon and Beelzemon's help. Gallantmon mode changes into Crimson Mode and with his Final Justice attack, he sends a wave of light through the whole city that kills all of the Parasimon. Locomon returns to the Digital World, and Rika's party goes as planned.
Affiliates: Shining Evolution | DMA | The Digi World | Digital Starlight | LELOLA
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