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"The Wild Boy of the Digital World"
January 7 @ 8:30PM
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Digimon Adventure Movie
Digimon Adventure
Japanese Release:
March 1999
Length: 20 minutes

This was the first movie made in Japan. It takes place before Digimon Adventure (the TV series) in Highton View Terrance. The movie tells the story of how the original eight DigiDestined became the DigiDestined by watching a battle of two Digimon four years before their journey to the Digital World.

One night when the childern were young, a Koromon arrived in the city from the Digital World and Digivolved to Greymon. A Parrotmon also arrived from the Digital World. Greymon protected Kari and Tai, defeating the raging Parrotmon. The only other people to see the battle became the Digidestined.

Gennai later tells the kids that during the battle a light processed their information leading to the creation of the Tags, Crests, and Digivices. This is also when these devices were linked to the Digimon and the children. Since no one else saw the monsters fighting, the damage done to the city was deemed a bombing.
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