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"The Wild Boy of the Digital World"
January 7 @ 8:30PM
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Digimon Data Squad Quotes
Episode 1 - There Are Monsters Among Us
  • Marcus: Look toots, I'm the dangerous fighter here. And I don't need any babysitter to hold my hand.

  • Marcus: This is a fight between men, so stay out of it.

  • Kudamon: He's actually matching the Digimon blow for blow. Who is this boy?

  • Agumon: Oh thank you boss! I'll never ask for another thing again! *stomach growls* ...Except food. I'm starved!

  • Agumon: Sorry, but boss, I have to admit, you look pretty yummy sometimes.

  • Kamemon: Enjoy.
    Marcus: I'm not thirsty!
    Kamemon: Suit yourself.

  • Marcus: Just say what you have to say and stop wasting my time!

  • Yoshino: Oh no, this is the worst.

  • Yoshino: Don't be crazy Marcus, get off of him!! That thing will tear you to pieces!
    Marcus: What about what I'll do to him?! Besides, the ultimate fighter is always willing to make the ultimate sacrifice!

  • Marcus: It's... It's FIGHTIN' TIME!!

  • Yushima: A Digivice, use it in combination with your DNA which is trigered by your fist. By mastering this technique, your Digimon can Digivolve.

  • Yushima: Use your heart and your fist to awaken Agumon.

  • Agumon: YIPPEE!!

  • Yoshino: Marcus is the worst!

Episode 2 - Marcus' Inner Strength
  • Marcus: Are you kidding me?! You guys all work side by side with Digimon.
    Lalamon: If a police car breaks the speed limit to catch a criminal, the police officer isn't a criminal too, is he?
    Marcus: ...Uhhm. Guess not.

  • Agumon: If this is junk food, I'm happy to be a garbage dump!

  • Agumon: Why do you keep shoving me into small places?!

  • Kristy: There's a giant lizard out there!
    Sarah: A what? But, there's nothing out here.
    Kristy: I'm telling you I saw it. You don't mistake a thing like seeing a giant lizard, mom!
    Sarah: ...UMA. Unidentified Mysterious Animal, like big foot or the lockness monster. Where did I put my video camera??

  • Marcus: How can you just sit here eating with all that is going on?!
    Agumon: Because if I eat standing up, I don't feel good.

  • Kristy: You two sound just like an old married couple.
    Marcus & Yoshino: WE'RE NOT A COUPLE!!

  • Agumon: Aww... They had all the fun- because you're slow.

  • Marcus: No matter how difficult the fight might be, I stand my ground- because that's what a winner does.

  • Commander Sampson: Don't get cocky!!

Episode 3 - The Return of Thomas
  • Kristy: What a doof.

  • Agumon: Those Digimon just show up when they're called, but you're lucky! You have me all the time boss!!

  • Agumon: Now be a nice fireball and let us punch you.

  • Yushima: Harness power. Don't extinguish it.

  • Marcus: I'll take my raw power over your tactics any day.

Episode 4 - The New Team of Marcus and Thomas
  • Marcus: Oh really? Well I know how to take you down!
    Thomas: Don't make me laugh! You couldn't take down notes!

  • Thomas: If you're so worried about your mommy, then you should have just stayed home.

  • Yoshino: All you ever seem to think about is getting into fights with Digimon!
    Marcus: Hmm, sorry! I thought you wanted to defeat them!

  • Thomas: It's easy to look good next to Marcus.

  • Agumon: Oh no, now what?
    Marcus: We prove that his way isn't the only way.

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