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"The Wild Boy of the Digital World"
January 7 @ 8:30PM
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Digimon Frontier Angels
Ten large golden wings expand from his firm and mighty back, with his strange, blue and silver metallic armor, close to no attack can penetrate his holy shield. His face hidden beneath a helmet of a sort, of which we are not worthy to see his holy face. Seraphimon is one-third of the holy force of whom protects the digital world. Him, along with Orphanimon and Cherubimon, are obliged to keep watch of the balance between good and evil. He is the most holy of angels of whom you may trust with any deed.

When Cherubimon became corrupted with evil anger and hate, he battled Seraphimon, and won an easy battle. Seraphimon put up little fight, not wanting to hurt his once partner. Cherubimon caged his lifeless body in a crystal, awaiting the kid's D-Tectors to free him.

Spirits passed to him: Wind and Light
Her eight golden wings aid her in the fight against evil, along with her two smaller white wings aiding the rest. Her mighty javelin she uses in her right hand, to stab evil in it's throat, returning the corrupted beasts to good. Her blue armor protects her from any evil entity. Ophanimon is a mighty, female angel. She aids in the fight against evil, along with Seraphimon and Ophanimon. She is a foreseer of the digital world, and will not stand for the likes of evil. Ophanimon is the less violent of angels, but she will stab evil in it's tracks with her mighty javelin if she has the chance.

After Seraphimon was encaged, Ophanimon scattered her's and Seraphimon's Spirits over the Digital World and created the D-Tectors. She called many kids to The Digital World, so she could choose the worthy ones. Cherubimon traps Ophanimon in his castle, The Rose Morning Star, after she chooses the five. The Chosen rescue Ophanimon, but her freedom is short-lived; Cherubimon kills her. Ophanimon unlocks Hyper Spirit Evolution for Takuya and Koji before she is killed, allowing them to reach their Zeta form, by transforming their D-Tectors.

Spirits passed to her: Fire, Ice and Thunder.
(Top Picture) Cherubimon Corrupted; (Bottom Pictures) Cherubimon Uncorrupted

Cherubimon is a strange, yet mighty dark greenish purple rabbit, with ears as wings, and a rigid blossom coming forth from it's neck, reminding us of his cute and cuddly Vaccine form. Cherubimon is one of three niched to protect the digital world.

He, with Ophanimon and Seraphimon, were to protect the digital world. But then he revolted, and threatened to destroy the digital world. His evil ways have preluded many digimon to his control. Locking up Seraphimon and killing Ophanimon, Cherubimon begins to collect the Digital World's data for his evil ways.

Cherubimon enrolls his evil Legendary Warriors to help aid the collection of Data for Lucemon's rebirth.

Spirits passed to him: Darkness, Steel, Water, Earth, and Wood.
Affiliates: Shining Evolution | DMA | The Digi World | Digital Starlight | LELOLA
The Digi Port, established April 29, 2001. © 2001-2007. Images, layout, information, site name, etc. © to TKTakeru. We do not own any part of Digimon, nor are we affiliated with Toei, Jetix, etc. We are just a non-profit fan site.