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"The Wild Boy of the Digital World"
January 7 @ 8:30PM
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Digimon Frontier Character Bios
JP Shibayama
Spirit: Thunder
Digivolutions: Human : Beetlemon
Digivolutions: Beast : MetalKabuterimon

J.P. is the first big boned Digidestined in the Digimon series. He is somewhat perverted and hits on Zoe. Unfortunately he is the last one to display his awesome powers, but that's okay! J.P. isn't afraid to express his thoughts and although he may act like an idiot, he has good intentions and is actually pretty smart!

J.P. is a pretty large kid. It's not surprising he is so large because he keeps a lot of chocolate with him! J.P. offers friendship in the form of gifts, but when it comes down to it, J.P. didn't have any true friends. His fellow DigiDestineds changed this, teaching him the true meaning of friendship. With his yellow and dark blue D-Tector, J.P. wields the shocking Spirits of Thunder. With them he transforms into Beetlemon as his Human Hybrid and MetalKabuterimon for his Beast Hybrid.

Beetlemon is obviously a beetle-oriented Digimon. He has the horns, shell, and everything! He debuts in Episode 5, "Ladies and Gentlemen : The Beetlemon." Beetlemon arrives when J.P. can't live down all of his friends fighting and him not being able to help them without being a Digimon. Beetlemon uses the electrifying attacks Thunder Fist and Lightning Blitz.

Metal Kabuterimon is the tank like version of Beetlemon. And boy does he have firepower. With an arsenal of cannons and gatling guns for hands and his enhanced speed with his tank like wheels. You don't want to mess around with this guy! This guy can put up a defensive fight too as he is covered in very thick armor. With all these at his disposal, it's no wonder how he defeated Grumblemon!

Beetlemon likes to shock, MetalKabuterimon likes to blow stuff up, and J.P. loves to eat!
Affiliates: Shining Evolution | DMA | The Digi World | Digital Starlight | LELOLA
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