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"The Wild Boy of the Digital World"
January 7 @ 8:30PM
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Digimon Frontier Character Bios
Takuya Kanabara
Spirit: Flame
Digivolutions: Rookie : Flamon
Digivolutions: Human : Agunimon
Digivolutions: Beast : BurningGreymon
Digivolutions: Fusion : Aldamon
Digivolutions: Unified : EmperorGreymon
Digivolutions: Mega : Susanoomon

Takuya is the outgoing, young leader of the Digidestineds. He is a sixth grade student who tends to act before he thinks and usually gets into trouble. As all the other leaders of the Digimon series, Takuya is the goggle-boy. It seems to have its uses. He also enjoys soccer and is very athletic.

When it comes to Digimon and Spirits, he is not exactly the most experienced, but hey, who is? He has a tendency to make some rather stupid moves. Takuya's D-Tector is red and black. He wields the Spirits of Flame. Takuya's Human Hybrid is Agunimon, Beast Hybrid is BurningGreymon, and also evolves into Flamon, Aldamon, EmperorGreymon, and Susanoomon.

Agunimon is a strong warrior and has the speed and strength of Takuya. Agunimon is a rather strong for a human hybrid and is also the first Hybrid Digimon to be witnessed by the Digidestined. Agunimon debuts in the first episode, "All Aboard," to save a village from Cerberumon. This firey Digimon uses the attacks Pyro Tornado and Pyro Darts. Of course judging by the names, these attacks have to do with fire.

BurningGreymon is the Beast Hybrid of Takuya. This is a much bulkier and more dinosaur-like version of Agunimon with wings. BurningGreymon is the second allied Beast Hybrid that the children witness. BurningGreymon debuts in Episode 11, using his Pyro Barrage and Wildfire Tsunami attacks.

Flamon is the form before Agunimon. When Takuya returned to the real world, he went back in time where he once was. There couldn't be 2 Takuyas in the same reality, so the Digital World evolved him into Flamon.

Aldamon is Takuya's Fusion Hybrid. When Seraphimon's Digi-Egg glowed it allowed Takuya to use the power of his 2 Hybrids! Aldamon is a pure mix of Agunimon and BurningGreymon. He wields Agunimon's head, thigh/shoulder armor, and BurningGreymon's wings, chest plate, shoulder armor, arm guns, tail, and legs. With his Atomic Inferno and Solar Wind Destroyer attacks, Aldamon can create a total world of fire!!

EmperorGreymon was born when Ophanimon transformed Takuya's and Koji's D-Tectors, allowing them to reach a new Spirit Evolution, Unified Spirit Evolution!! EmperorGreymon is a mix of Takuya and the Spirits of Fire, Wind, Ice, Wood, and Earth. EmperorGreymon wields a huge sword that can turn into pure energy for his Dragonfire Crossbow attack. Because EmperorGreymon is the ultimate warrior of fire, he can summon nine pyro dragons that rise from the ground and shatter their enemy!

After Lucemon Chaos Mode scanned Koichi's Fractal Mode, the Spirits of Darkness were passed on to Koji, the DigiDestined who held the Spirits of Light. Koji couldn't handel the two Spirits (since they're opposites) and a great energy was released! Takuya, angry at Lucemon Chaos Mode and upset for losing a friend, bursted into flames and attacked Lucemon Chaos Mode. The combined effect with the Spirits and the children's determination to defeat Lucemon unleashed the power for the ancient Spirits to unite! The great warrior Susanoomon was born!

Takuya is an amazing character and just like the other leaders, he does not disappoint us. As Agunimon he has speed and power, as BurningGreymon he has enhanced speed and brute strength, as Aldamon he is just plain cool, and as Takuya he is the excellent leader of the Digidestined!

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