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"The Wild Boy of the Digital World"
January 7 @ 8:30PM
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Digimon Adventure 02 Evil Villains

Screaming Darkness, Crimson Mist, Mental Illusion
In the first Season, Myotismon traveled to the real world to find the eighth DigiDestined. He was unsuccessful as Tai and the rest of the gang were able to kill Myotismon finally and The Digital World appeared in the sky over earth. Oikawa, wanting to go to the Digital World after seeing it when he was a child, screamed for the DigiDestined to carry him with them to the Digital World, but they were unable to hear him as they left the ground. Myotismon was unable to go to the Data World to be reconfigured into a DigiEgg because his ghost was i nthe real world. Myotismon's ghost heard Oikawa, and made a deal with him-- if he would sooth his heart in darkness, he would take him to the Digital World. Oikawa in a fragile state agreed, as Myotismon's ghost entered his body, possessing him.

Oikawa didn't really know it, but Myotismon was controlling his every actions. Oikawa created Arukenimon and Mummymon through his data and the data of a spider. The portal to the Digital World and back that Myotismon knew how to operate was used for Arukenimon and Mummymon to travel through, but did not allow Oikawa. Oikawa went to Sam's funeral since he worked with his father. There he met Ken; Myotismon knew Ken was a DigiDestined, and he senced his Dark Spore. Myotismon's plans soon began to fall into place.

Oikawa sent Ken an email reminding Ken of Wormmon and the Digital World he had once visited when he was a kid, so Ken used the Digivice to open a Digi Port, but it lead to the Dark Ocean because of the Dark Spore. Ken, with the Digivice in his hand, soaked it in the water of the Dark Ocean, and it mutated into his dark D-3. This activated the Dark Spore to its full potential. Thanks to Arukenimon and Mummymon, Ken was quicky molded into the Digimon Emperor after he felt humans were inferior, and he needed a new goal in life. Myotismon emplanted the designs for the Dark Rings, Control Spires, Dark Spirals, ect., ect. into Ken's mind. These items were able to weaken the barrior between the real world and the Digital World, so Oikawa could enter the Digital World. The Hramonious Ones knew of this, and chose 3 kids who had witnessed the Myotismon battle in the real world, along with TK and Kari, to put a stop to the Emperor.After the Emperor had enslaved millions of Digimon, the DigiDestined were able to overthrow the Digimon Emperor.

Arukenimon and Mummymon held of the DigiDestined for awhile, creating BlackWarGreymon. BlackWarGreymon soon began destroying Destiny Stones looking for a new opponent. The Destiny Stones were there to give the Digital World ballance, but without them, the ballance would be thrown off. Before destroying the last Destiny Stone, Azulongmon was released, putting a stop to BlackWarGreymon's destruction of the Destiny Stones. Arukenimon and Mummymon found their way to the real world as Digimon began to show all over the globe. While the DigiDestined were in other countries battling these Digimon, Oikawa ordered Mummymon and Arukenimon to compile a group of lonely or ill children who seemed like they didn't have any hopes or dreams, telling the kids they could as smart and good as Ken if they came with them. When the DigiDestined arrived from their world tour, Daemon had shown up and attacked. Arukenimon got Ken to go with her, telling him she'd let the kids (who were grouped in a truck) go if he did. While in the truck, Oikawa told Ken of his plans, and pointed out the kids wanted this to hapen to them. Oikawa copied the Spore, and distributed it to the other kids. Daemon attacked the truck, as Oikawa was going to let Ken go, but the DigiDestined ambushed the truck, and Ken was freed. Daemon was defeated, and Oikawa sent the kids home so their Spores could grow, telling them he'd call them back to Highton View Terrace another day.

After a battle between BlackWarGreymon, WarGreymon, and Imperialdramon, BlackWarGreymon understood his purpose, and sealed the gate between the Digital World and the real world with his remaining strengh so Oikawa couldn't make it to the Digital World. Oikawa called all the Spore-infected children back to Highton View, and readied the gate. Myotismon made Oikawa enter a combination for the Key Cards that was incorrect, sending them to another world. The DigiDestined followed them in.

There, Myotismon used the energy from the Spores to exit Oikawa's body and materialize into MaloMyotismon. Oikawa was drained of all his strengh. MaloMyotismon saw no need for Arukenimon and Mummymon, so he killed them. The DigiDestined were terrified, all except for Davis. The courage he was expressing gave ExVeemon the ability to get a few good blows in on MaloMyotismon, weakening him alittle. MaloMyotismon unleashed an attack, making the DigiDestined experience illusions of their dreams. Davis was too strong for the attack to work on him. Him, Veemon, and Veemon's evolutions helped free the other DigiDestined from their illusions. Using the dimension for their own good, all of the Digimon Digivolved into all of their forms. With MaloMyotismon staring at a whole army of Digimon against him, they unleashed their attacks. The barrier between the dimension and the Digital World gave way with Imperialdramon's attack. MaloMyotismon entered the Digital World, and so did the other Digimon, but onlt the strongest made it through. MaloMyotismon began to infest both worlds with darkness, but the DigiDestined from all over the world held their Digivices to the air, and sent light to their Digimon, weakening MaloMyotismon. The infected children began to feel the DigiDestined weren't goign to win, and MaloMyotismon used their fear to power his self. The DigiDestined talked them into having hopes and dreams, deactivating the Dark Spores, ridding MaloMyotismon of a body. Imperialdramon then used his Giga Crusher attack to kill MaloMyotismon once and for all. This time, his data was able to be send to the Data World, reformating him into a DigiEgg. Oikawa then sacraficed himself to return the Digital World to a beautiful place.
Affiliates: Shining Evolution | DMA | The Digi World | Digital Starlight | LELOLA
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