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"The Digimon Army Makes Its Move"
March 3 @ 8:30PM
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Digimon Adventure 02 Evil Villains

Terrior Destroier
BlackWarGreymon was created to destroy the DigiDestined by Arukenimon. She used her Spirit Needle attack to fuse 100 Control Spires togather, creating him. Unlike Arukenimon's other "fake" Digimon, BlackWarGreymon had a mind and a heart.

BlackWarGreymon felt he had no purpose. He had been created to kill, but all his opponents were no match for him. He sought out his ultimate enemy. Arukenimon tried to tell BlackWarGreymon what to do, but he was just too powerful for her to control. Arukenimon and Mummymon manipulated BlackWarGreymon to go around and destoroy Destiny Stones, looking for his ultimate opponent. With all but one stone destroyed, the DigiDestined's D-3's released BlackWarGreymon's ultimate enemy, Azulongmon. Being one of the Harmounious Ones who had been defeated by the Dark Masters long ago, Azulongmon told BlackWarGreymon everything has a purpose. BlackWarGreymon left to find his.

Arukenimon and Mummymon made their way to the real world with BlackWarGreymon on their heels. He found Oikawa, Arukenimon, and Mummymon but before he could attack them, WarGreymon and Imperialdramon showed up. They fought BlackWarGreymon and won, explaining the importance of everything.

BlackWarGreymon sacrificed himself to seal the gate to the Digital World, so Oikawa and the infected children could not make their way there. In the end, BlackWarGreymon figured out that his true purpose in life was not to find his ultimate opponent to fight. His true purpose was to protect the Digital World.
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