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Saturday 23 February 2008 Winner, Best Consumer Online Publisher, AOP Awards
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Treacle tart by Fergus Henderson
Xanthe Clay talks puddings, pride, passion and prudes with Fergus Henderson.
In the first episode of our brand new cookery programme Xanthe Clay and Loyd Grossman cook chicken noodle soup - in just 10 minutes from start to finish. But what's the secret ingredient?; ITN; Loyd Grossman; Telegraph; Xanthe Clay; chicken; food; lifestyle; soup; ten Minutes to Table; tv;
A glass of wine
Côte d'Oregon is top gun in a Noir shoot-out, writes Jonathan Ray.
Chef Jean-Christophe Novelli
He breaks all the rules, but in a kitchen with Novelli, you're in the presence of genius.
Rose Prince
Rose Prince on the best of regional British food.
Moyra Fraser
Moyra Fraser answers your culinary queries.
Bee Wilson
Bee Wilson on the latest in the world of food.
Telegraph wine
Christmas gifts
Mixed cases
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Medal winners
Line-caught sea bass
This week Mark Palmer visits Tom's Place in London SW3.
Belinda Richardson meets some jolly green giants.
Our guide to great British pubs with Belinda Richardson. This week: The Gate Inn, Yanwath, Cumbria.
The Royal Oak, Dominic Chapman's Berkshire gastropub, is a hotbed of romance. Zoe Williams is falling in love.
Natalie Wain gets fizzy with Montezumas Valentine truffles.
Xanthe Clay recipes
Recipes and tips from our kitchen goddess.
jonathan ray
How to get the best booze in your bottle.
Sally Peck food blog
Our food blog, The Slaughtered Lamb.
Restaurant dish
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Pint of beer
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