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Sunday 17 February 2008 Winner, Best Consumer Online Publisher, AOP Awards
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Is bottled water 'morally unacceptable'?
British soldiers
A new state is born as Britain despite condemnation from Serbia.
Police will be issued with portable metal detectors in a bid to tackle Britain's soaring rate of knife crime, the Government will announce tomorrow.
China has been accused of committing new human rights abuses ahead of the Beijing Olympics, while spending vast amounts on hi-tech surveillance and security systems.
Michael Seifert: war criminal
A Nazi war criminal arrived in Italy to start a life sentence imposed for the murder and torture of prisoners.
Thousands of adults are being prescribed drugs designed to treat hyperactive children.
Pubs, Clarks shoes and Jamie Oliver beat Buckingham Palace for many of Britain's 32 million annual visitors.
An experiment by The Sunday Telegraph suggests that, without the name Damien Hirst attached, the artist's medicine cabinets might sell for the modest price of £1.
Drinking bottled water should be made as unfashionable as smoking, according to a government adviser.
Sarah Payne
'Sarah's Law' trial aims to protect British children.
Nagasiva Yronwode: "What's wrong with suicide?"
Predators run chatrooms offering practical tips.
Mourner lays flowers
University shooter checked into room near NIU campus.
Crufts entrant
Show accused of presenting dogs as if they were starlets.
Bombing in the Afghan city of Kandahar hits crowd of people in what is believed to be the deadliest attack since 2001.
The Government is preparing to announce whether it will press ahead with plans to use "sharia bonds" to raise money for public spending programmes.
Oral tests are to be axed from foreign language GCSEs because they are regarded as being "too stressful" for pupils.
Spanish chain Mango uses plus-size models
Most women in Spain are happy with their bodies. Maria Alvarez reveals why Spanish women do get fat - but don't mind.
The prospective First Daughter has forgone her privacy, and finally discovered her voice in public on the campaign trail.
Many horses have become victims of a disastrous attempt to bring the country into line with European Union law by banning horse-drawn carts from main roads.
How Thong Dee's child may look in another seventeen months
Song that is completely inaudible to humans has become a top-selling hit in New Zealand.
Pensioner holds up Post Office at knifepoint in failed robbery.
A council was forced to spend £60,00 to move four newts.
India hopes to sell 10 million of 'world's cheapest' mobiles.
Sydney zoo worried over Asian elephant's pregnancy.
Britons spend £500 million in great Valentine's Day rip off..
"The Kosovo project cannot be deemed a real triumph until the razor wire comes down and Serbs are able to return to their homes, wander freely beyond the confines of their enclaves and worship safely in their churches."
The nail in the Speaker's coffin?: Rosa Prince, Worst food product name: Sally Peck, Good coffee: Joeslavko, Rethinking age: Henry Cave Devine
Harry de Quetteville
Is bottled water 'morally unacceptable'?
The importance of research into Alzheimers
Liberty wins, for the moment
geoffrey tillson
The Government's 'Culture Hour'