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Friday 15 February 2008 Winner, Best Consumer Online Publisher, AOP Awards
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Earth Your planet, your home

World map showing Man's effect on the planet's oceans
Almost half of the world's oceans have been seriously affected by over-fishing, pollution and climate change, according to a major study of Man's impact on marine life.
Black Necked Heron by Dr Hermann Brehm for Nature category of the Sony World Photography Awards
Shortlist for Nature category of the Sony World Photography Awards is announced.
Great tit - Nest box survey to record effect on UK birds
British Trust for Ornithology nest box survey to record effect on UK bird numbers.
Stanley Johnson - set international limits for whale catches
Hazel Southam on giving up carbon for Lent
Chalres Clover - Earthlog
Reduce carbon, grow business
Making your home greener - expert energy-saving advice
Greener Transport
Seven-week-old badger cubs snuggle together on a bed of hay
The badgers of an enchanting valley deep in the Devon countryside have become the unwitting stars of an extraordinary new film. By Tony Langford.
The sky's alive with a once endangered bird of prey, writes Peter Marren.
These sterling performances by starlings are a sure cure for SAD, writes Robin Page.
New documentary counters myths about the wildest of cats. By Jack Watkins.
Below Switzerland scientists are preparing an amazing experiment. By William Leith.
The site at Broubster Leans where the new reserve will be situated
Nature reserve planned so farming can work with conservation.
New attempt being made to stop relentless spread of grey squirrels
Ultrasound synthesiser to help track one of Britain's rarest bats.
Peregrine falcon is increasingly living in city centres.
The Pulse tracks what's hot in global coverage of green issues, displays the number of stories published in each area and ranks by percentage weekly change.