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Website accessibility

Change the way this site looks

You can change the way this website looks to suit your needs. The settings available differ from browser to browser, but most browsers offer some or all of the following:

Change the font size

You can adjust the size of nearly all the text on this website by using the font size setting in your browser. This setting is found in the 'View' menu of most browsers.

Other text and colour changes

Some browsers allow you to change the default font and background colours you use. These settings are usually found in the 'Options' or 'Preferences' menus.

Use a 'plain' layout

Many browsers allow you to strip a web page of all layout and styling by turning off the website 'style sheets'. If your browser supports this setting you will most likely find it in the 'View' menu.

Keyboard access

Most browsers let you skip from link to link using the TAB key. The current link will be highlighted in yellow. To move backwards, hold down SHIFT and press the TAB key.

At the top of each page there is a selection of links to the main parts of the page (navigation, content, search etc). These links are hidden until they are skipped to, at which point they appear in a yellow box at the top left of the page.

Access Keys

Access Keys are keyboard shortcuts to common pages on a website. This website does not use Access Keys because evidence suggests that they interfere with the keyboard controls of many browsers and screen readers.

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