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Friday 8 February 2008 Winner, Best Consumer Online Publisher, AOP Awards
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Eric Lanlard
The man who designed Madonna's wedding cake has created a visual feast in his Battersea home, reports Nikki Spencer.
Stephen Reeves and family
Mary Wilson talks to families who have chosen to live on the same development as each other.
Olivia and Sam the rabbit
Eco writer Sarah Lonsdale has cut her annual fuel bill by £800. How?
Why sun-seeking always beats house-hunting.
Surely estate agents always make a killing on their own homes? Er, no, says Ed Mead.
Property problems, solved by Sheila Prophet.
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The best that money can buy.
Freebie of the week
Online exclusives
Paula Robinson
Interior designer Paula Robinson digs out some British treasures.
Being tidy has never been so stylish, says Rachel Loos.
Claire Shorrock and family
Property auctions are booming, with an increasingly wide range of homes for sale. Hazel Davis gives the lowdown on how to start bidding - and when to stop.
Gwenda Borphy predicts a towering success for Blackpool.
Student tenants? Ah, they're not what they were in my days, says Max Davidson.
A foreign mortgage - your loan away from home.
Jonny Beardsall takes a look at the controversial Lytham Quays development.
Zoe Dare Hall reveals the qualities that make good homes sell, when others are floundering.
Sonia Purnell tries online
interior design.
Cluj in Transylvania
As new budget airline routes open up, intrepid property buyers are filling the departure lounges.
New routes and extended airport boost French and Canadian hotspots. Cherry Maslen reports.
Why Carol Vorderman figures that we'll want to buy villas and apartments from her.